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  1. Wood

    Pakistani Universities should be put to the same standard as Chinese Universities

    This will require a substantial increase in funding for education by the government of Pakistan.
  2. Wood

    State Bank reserves at 7.8BN$, lowest in years

    Pak is back! :cheers:
  3. Wood

    Pakistani exports declined by 24%

    As expected, it is NOT because SBP is burning reserves to keep PKR afloat. Economy is cooled by GoP because SBP cannot afford to approve LCs due to lack of reserves. This is a necessity, not a choice.
  4. Wood

    Why Sarah Qureshi Decided to Build a Jet Engine?

    The biggest contributor to green house effect. It is estimated that 60% of green house effect is because of it :agree:
  5. Wood

    Pakistan’s first locally produced electric car unveiled on Independence Day

    Nice development. Dice Foundation seems to be an American funded non-profit organization registered in the US. Which Pakistani car company will be manufacturing these cars locally? 2024 seems to be an ambitious target for a first model launch, but not impossible. :cheers:
  6. Wood

    Comic sports news from Pakistan women hockey federation

    Sorry to hear of that experience 😞
  7. Wood

    Comic sports news from Pakistan women hockey federation

    I don't write on this virtual wall with an expectation that it will be valued by readers. This is just a honest reflection of my thoughts on the topic. But one cannot be certain that what I write will not seed a critical thought in those who choose to read it :coffee:
  8. Wood

    Comic sports news from Pakistan women hockey federation

    I'm not a Pakistani and have never visited Pakistan. But this does not preclude me from challenging assertions made (on the world wide web) without any passable evidence. The accusatory insinuations made will be better served if you or any other accuser (usually from the PTI tribe) is able to...
  9. Wood

    State Bank reserves at 7.8BN$, lowest in years

    India does not have a looming BoP problem like Pakistan. India also accumulates twin deficits (like Pakistan) year after year, but does not need to worry about BoP. Why? Because India has a surplus CA that is padded by FDI every year. Pakistan does not have this luxury. Every time Pakistan...
  10. Wood

    State Bank reserves at 7.8BN$, lowest in years

    I contest the unsubstantiated notion that SBP used available reserves to prop up the currency in recent past. The article that you've posted confirms that IMF is satisfied with Pakistan's monetary and fiscal actions. That supports what I hope to convey. :coffee:
  11. Wood

    Comic sports news from Pakistan women hockey federation

    There may have been instances when ministers abuse the privilege. But in this case, the minister has not taken a family trip - has she? What happened to the regular team manager? We have not been told about underlying reasons and yet people have quickly jumped to conclusion.
  12. Wood

    State Bank reserves at 7.8BN$, lowest in years

    I'm aware of the history from previous PLMN rule - as explained by PDF community many times over. But given the current status of reserves, Pakistan does not have the luxury to manipulate with currency. Random tweets and ad-hoc accusations cannot become reality. .. another deliberate attempt to...
  13. Wood

    State Bank reserves at 7.8BN$, lowest in years

    Please don't consider tweets from partisan twitter accounts as proof or evidence. :coffee:
  14. Wood

    A heartbreaking murdering: 17 year old Nicoletta, murdered by her 22-year-old Pakistani refugee boyfriend

    Most people on refugee claim remain in a queue for their case to be adjudged for several years. The due process that is expected from international rules on how a refugee claim is to be processed will always allow for a window that refugee applicants can exploit.
  15. Wood

    State Bank reserves at 7.8BN$, lowest in years

    There is no evidence to believe that PKR appreciation is a result of currency manipulation by the SBP. Liquid reserves are always floating and could drop for a number of reasons including the finance of necessary imports to support critical industries or due interest payments. I'm not sure if...
  16. Wood

    Taliban abducts WION correspondent in Qabul

    Unlike RT journalists in US, I've not seen Anas talk trash about Pakistan. There was one instance when he was upset with Imran, but nothing more. He is just a lad with a day job :pop:
  17. Wood

    Taliban abducts WION correspondent in Qabul

    This is WION's Pakistan bureau chief - Mr. Anas Malik 8-)
  18. Wood

    Bangladesh raises fuel oil prices as much as 51.68%

    Two contradictory sentences in the same response. Floating will mean depreciation for most developing countries when Feds increase the rate. :coffee: IMF will ask borrowers to give more autonomy to the Central Bank. This will invariably result in depreciation as the central bank will float the...
  19. Wood

    PM Shehbaz, Modi likely to meet in September at SCO summit

    This will not likely happen because of domestic political compulsions in Pakistan :coffee:
  20. Wood

    Govt plans mini-budget to meet IMF conditions

    Not sure why government doing its job is posted with negative connotation here :disagree:
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