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  1. J

    PPP's Zamurud Khan ends Islamabad drama

    Let me just stop you there real quick; first off, hey PDF. anyway, as I was saying.. please, just stop right there. He's not a hero, nor brave. 'Idiot' is the correct word. I know you're all praising him right now but what he did was stupid. He put the children and the wife at risk, and...
  2. J

    No place for poor class in Naya Pakistan

    Yeah? and what about the great billionaire leader of ours? Oh, silly, I'm not talking about Zardari. Nawaz is a billionaire, and the way he reached up that sum is due to corruption. Rich people get to become leaders, richer they get, make the rich more rich, poor people get more poor. This is...
  3. J

    Yes, Insafians, you are being ‘sore losers’

    Dear God.. I think I just got cancer reading this.. can someone please delete this? just because some random people over the internet are sharing some random images, doesn't mean it represents the whole agenda or the idea behind PTI. I'll tell you what; you know it and we know it, rigging...
  4. J

    Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

    Not backed by logic? so what is your logic in forcing the Hijab?
  5. J

    Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

    Ignorance is a bliss eh, let's not discuss it and just not care. EDIT: Yeah sure, just Google what I wrote. You'd find 'consensus' amongst the Sahabas. But you wouldn't bother.
  6. J

    Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

    Nice. Real mature on replying on all my points. And I shouldn't care about YOUR interpretation then.
  7. J

    Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

    Because Islam isn't racist. Islam teaches us to seek knowledge even if we have to go to 'China'. The Western world are much more advanced than us, and we acknowledge that, therefore to seek better understanding and gain more knowledge, it is best to go for 'better education'
  8. J

    Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

    Most Muslims? I don't think so.. where did they survey this sort of study? My God.. you really are ignorant.. Islam never emphasizes on forcing ANYTHING. Taliban (which, by the way, funny term considering it means 'student'.. it's a shame that we now talk about them as some sort of...
  9. J

    Bahria Town, US group sign $20 bn investment MoU

    First post.. hello! Just wanted to point out this link I found: thomaskramer.com/bodha-island-city/ (link-ify it yourself as I cannot post links) The official website of Thomas Kramer! Interesting read. Shows more than what I thought happened. Now I'm not saying how much of it is a reality...
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