As of September 2021,the prevalence of undernourishment in India was estimated to be around 14% of the total population, 19.4% for Bangladesh,18% for Pakistan,8% for Nepal and 4% for Sri Lanka according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Just this month Air India announced the purchase of 500 Aircraft from Boeing and Airbus which is the largest order ever placed by an airline company.Another order of 500 aircraft by Indigo airlines is on the way.
So jubilant was President Biden with this order that he officially thanks PM Modi...
Hi there,
The minimum wage for India is simply not true. The Data that visual Capitalist presents is from an unaccredited source like Picodi.
Realistically speaking,A wage of $95 a month is just too low even in very poor states.No contractual labour will agree to work for that low a wage.A more...