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    Ex-military officers call for Musharraf to go

    he can do 1 thing STEP DOWN!
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    "Former generals good for nothing"!

    oooh....that mustve hurt.This statement by the president was kinda harsh guys,dont you think?:devil:
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    A Pakistani

    We cant blame our media.If the tv or our news paper are telling the people what is happening,so is this a bad thing?The people should know the truth and if the media is saying that there is shortage of wheat,sugar etc.its true,they are not making it up.Our media is doing a good job.We should...
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    Pakistan now a donor country, says Musharraf

    mr.skywalker or whatever...........im a pakistani and yes im hiding but under my own sacred flag.:pakistan:
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    Indian minister walks into Pakistan at Wagah

    Take it easy guys its just a minister of india,pay attention to some other borders just incase Baitullah Mehsud might walk in to take a PEEP!:flame:
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    Pakistan to Buy Suicide Bomber Detection Equipment From China

    If there is that kind of equipment available why dont the US use it for their forces in Afghanistan.If there is such thing.The goverment should have got this equipment that detects a suicide bomber when this suicide bombing started increasing.but anyways they should try this too.
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    Extremism vs moderation

    I agree with you that the judges,lawyers,human rights activists,teachers,students,professors,workers,labourers and peasants are the true moderates who do not believe in picking up guns or bombs to destroy every thing in sight. But then why are most of these people are...
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    Can Kiyani replace Musharraf?

    Ofcourse the armed forces are loyal to him,and we all know very well why are they loyal to him its no hidden secret.And yes no one can fill his shoes or should i say no one should fill his shoes after what he has done to the judiciary and the constitution.Now recently his interview with a US...
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    GEO TV is free to air

    Geo will be back on cable from tomorrow morning.im happy its back,it was my fav channel.It showed the truth and thats why it was put off air i just hope when its back its the same. just another step by the president to show he owns Pakistan.
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    FATA Situation

    The goverment claimed that Baitullah Mehsud was involved in BB assasination,and they did give out the copies of the telephone conversation they had recorded.Two men were talking to each other.1:Did they introduce themselves on that phone call?(unless they were really stupid,i dont think they did...
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    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Terrorism is on the peak in Pakistan and God knows how much more its going to go up.There have been suicide bombing in every major city,let alone city the thing that shocked me the most when the suicide bomber entered the army mess and blew himself killing many army personnel.And the thing that...
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    Can Kiyani replace Musharraf?

    Can the COAS tell parvez musharraff to step down? if yes then uptill now why he hasnt? if not,why not?
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    Pakistan Army: Better trained?

    Many wont call them better trained after their surrender to few militants.The amount of dollars parvez musharraff has been taking from US,if even after that Pakistan Army is not better trained then nothing will make them better trained.:undecided:
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    Army Officers Withdrawn From Civil Institutions,

    Dont get too excited:bounce:He has taken the decision but lets see in the coming days if it really happens or not.
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    Pakistan now a donor country, says Musharraf

    "Pakistan now a donor country"!!!!!! Good one!:rofl: Pakistan cannot survive without the US aid or US.
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    Britney Spears moving to Pakistan?

    lets see who will be the first to.........:hitwall:
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    Bush in Dubai!

    I agree with you 100% my friend.....:agree:
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    No solution in Afghanistan without intervention in Pakistan, Dion says

    Well the discussion over here is not about who will go down in history of pakistan,we all know who will go down,but anyways the nato will be in bigger **** than they already are in if they intervene in pakistan.
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    Bomber hits Pakistan Shia mosque

    I condemn it,and its really sad watching our people being killed in suicide bombings.The goverment must do their best to get to the root cause of all this.
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