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  1. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Could not resist: Regarding a Kowsar version, a much-improved F-5. From the front. A single seater, retaining the length of Saeqeh II. The second seat is removed to make way for the carriage of more fuel, electronics, etc. New ‘Stealthified’ radome and forward avionics bay. ASEA radar...
  2. P

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I realize that this post should rather be in https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iriaf-news-and-discussions ... , but for the sake of easy reference I have posted here. The s.c. 'Red Sparrow' AIM 7-E2, above, refers In pics about todays Army Day, there was one shot featuring an 'AIM-9' to the front...
  3. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Greetings all. Latest uploaded to Dropbox Piet
  4. P

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Thank you.
  5. P

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Impressive trio. With Third Khordad taking care of short (Dey-9) medium (Ta'er-2[d]?) and long range (Ta'er-3), I do have to ask myself if the Sayyad-4A of the same range as Ta'er-3 will indeed be deployed. Would it not make more sense to go straight ahead with deployment of the Sayyad-4B? As...
  6. P

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I remember some six years ago at https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/iran-possesses-bomb-which-dwarfs-us-moab-117091600579_1.html ... a report of an Iranian Father of all Bombs appeared. I cite the following which captures it in a nutshell:- ... "Following a proposal by the...
  7. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    The first to target, if the US is involved, will be multiple, multiple, CM's. Those which are able to avoid detection and subsequently reach their targets will not however have the oomph to damage seriously dug in Iranian nuclear facilities. Maybe these will target ADS' such as SAM batteries...
  8. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Hi Yet more interesting posts. There are two distinctive camps regarding a 'souped up' Kowsar 11'. One favorably in support thereof, the other definitely not in support of it. Also very nice pics posted to Twitter, and also to this thread of possibly such an a/c. One in particular shows its...
  9. P

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Hi Intriguing posts. Regarding the optical ball and missiles on each side, could this possibly be it:- On the poster to the left, at the bottom, is an image that I cannot discern. Neither on the poster to the right, at the bottom. As far as modified KOWSAR'S goes, imagine such combat a/c...
  10. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Couldn't resist so I got myself over to the above Wiki pg. According to this entry, the Yaghout is in development and expected (by) 2025. An Advanced 4++ generation heavy Interceptor, it is intended to be produced in two versions; A twin-seat model for the primary Air Force and a single-seat...
  11. P

    Made in Iran

    Thank you for your input. I realized that a military t/fan cannot be directly read over to a civilian one. What I had in mind - ToT not withstanding, is the entire supply chain intended to produce a 'heavy' engine (viz. RD-33 et al?) mentioned in September 2016, and alluded to in July 2020...
  12. P

    Made in Iran

    Hi Hope I'm not off topic. But I wrote the above up as follows. If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a country to raise an aircraft. Either that country pulls together as one, or it falls together as one. A possible plus to this may be found in Iran’s planned IRJ-72...
  13. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    This is a subject that has garnered comments of various kinds. Some are in favor of the Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker E, some are not. If the IRIAF is successful in acquiring this a/c, then it would have to be in sufficient numbers to really impact the air space over Iran. A number of 24 is a little on...
  14. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Updated Link DropBox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r4zt23du7ho8w3l/AACJpyPzC8BIwHWEP0ZI6pETa?dl=0
  15. P

    New Introductions

    Hi Have not yet gotten the hang of the PDF interface, but I also do not want to be remiss in posting my introduction. ... I have been interested in things military for a very long time. When in 2009 I had completed a year’s long study about WMD in my own country (South Africa), I decided to...
  16. P

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    “In addressing the acquisition of Su-35 Flanker F’s as per Joe_Adam, he states that he would “love to see Iranian made hi-tech/long range superiority fighters but due to lack of funds, the projects started slow in piecemeal fashion. That must be overcome, hopefully very soon.” I have for a...
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