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  1. F

    To Jai the proud Singaporean

    You anyhow assume i am a PR/FT izzit? why because my english is not lousy issit? anyway, needed to post here because cannot send pms yet.. so everyone else pls ignore :laugh: im gonna speak to jai in singlish now which is the language he can understand eh ah neh... you come here anyhow...
  2. F

    Finally - The truth about Minorities in Pakistan surfaces

    you're clutching at straws here... the bottom line is this 1) it is illegal in SOME and not ALL places in India. Simple enough? Trust me, go to Kerala and you will see chili beef sold in the tons!! go to lucknow and you will find nihari and kebabs by the dozen! Where can i get bacon in pak...
  3. F

    Finally - The truth about Minorities in Pakistan surfaces

    again with the China comparisons lol... dude i admit we arent as developed as China..but its sucks for you guys that you now have to resort to carrying China's balls to try and win an argument hahahah... handful of commenters don't represent anyone. lets look at this statement - it was...
  4. F

    Another Indian spy caught in Karachi

    lol you guys must be thanking your stars that there is a China! but its really sad that you cant even respond with your own economic achievements and have to respond with China's achievements instead! and you're right no one comes and invests in India, we are a wasteland lolol. I love the...
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    Finally - The truth about Minorities in Pakistan surfaces

    dude learn to read a post before responding to it with one of your stock comments.. i wasnt just refering to the article, but also the comments underneath...that ratified what he was saying. our economy doesn't run on hate btw (thats why we are SECULAR - know what that means?) but im...
  6. F

    Another Indian spy caught in Karachi

    you guys are lucky.. at least any indian you find in ur country , you can say for sure is a spy.. there is no other reason for them to be there! but its not easy for us.. when we find one of u lot in our country, we don't know whether you are a spy, a terrorist or an economic migrant!! :>
  7. F

    Finally - The truth about Minorities in Pakistan surfaces

    Will I ever be a Pakistani? – The Express Tribune Blog Some interesting reads in the comments section. An eye opener, especially for anyone who believed what is spouted by some forumers here about minorities in Pak having no problems at all. Pakistani Muslims openly acknowledging...
  8. F

    Shari’a, Banking and Revolution

    how is it safer? and with regards to european countries starting islamic banking - source please?
  9. F

    Shari’a, Banking and Revolution

    if you agree that it is a workaround then dont u feel it would just be better to follow the international system. your financing channels are opened up to a much wider base... allowing you to be more competitive.
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    Shari’a, Banking and Revolution

    no offense but having worked in finance and dealt with sharia bonds... i cant help but feel like its just a work around solution... in reality there is really interest being paid... my 2 cents
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    Indian police stops Ashura procession in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    dont you guys think you have your hands full with whats going on in your country? leave our poor impoverished country to it's numerous problems please :)
  12. F

    Hafiz Saeed vows jihad against India will continue

    what's stopped you in the last 60 odd years??? oh yea... i forgot, u tried n failed :)
  13. F

    Sri Lankans happy to be in Pakistan

    really? thats a pretty unique way of displaying amusement.. it really seemed like you were getting a little upset.. maybe im wrong :) and yea, passive aggressiveness such as what you've displayed above also highlights your displeasure... comments like "indians like you"...so uneccesary...
  14. F

    Sri Lankans happy to be in Pakistan

    okay sir :).... i dont follow cricket at all but when was the last time u beat India? :P lastly, its a free world bro.... and everyone is free to say what they want.. you dont have to believe it... but why are u getting so upset and sensitive? whats the need for name calling? I mean...
  15. F

    Sri Lankans happy to be in Pakistan

    indians were on fire the same way & the attack on them happens .... dude what are you trying to say????
  16. F

    Poll Ranks India Among Most Dangerous Countries for Women, Cites Rising Rat

    Dude why dont you put up a proposal to the UN... ohhhhh???? i remember now..sorry :P ---------- Post added at 05:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ---------- it's all true...please dont bring your pretty deriere over to India or you will get raped for sure!!! :P
  17. F

    Unsafe for journalists: ‘Pakistan among most dangerous countries again’

    Outspoken not = to unbiased. One can be outspoken when it comes to disseminating ISI/Govt. propaganda too.. Now before you jump on me, I am not saying that is the case with Pak Media, just pointing out the invalidity of your statement; logically speaking.
  18. F

    Sri Lankans happy to be in Pakistan

    do you seriously expect us to send atheletes over based on the anectodal experience of 5 Sri Lankan Atheletes? Especially when a deadly attack against the Sri Lankan team occured not even 3 years ago? Are you nuts? :P That's like saying Afghanistan is safe my chacha just came back from there...
  19. F

    Unsafe for journalists: ‘Pakistan among most dangerous countries again’

    LOL!!! Officially the most moronic and juvenile statement ever made!!
  20. F

    India "Explodes" as its "Time of Reckoning" Arrives

    Long China Short India? thats why ICBC and CCB are down 20% year to date dude i guess they censored the real definition of an asset bubble over in your neck of the woods. Because there is a third rather crucial component you forgot to mention - easy/hot money ; primarily from fiscal stimulus...
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