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  1. P

    ~Ifti Ka Naam Injustice~

    My dear Mohibbay wattan, you are living in fools paradise. I am a proud Pakistani. The Pakistani Government never stops disappointing its people. Never have helpless victims of corruption and cruelty found justice in pakistan. Ever since the creation/establishment of Pakistan we have only heared...
  2. P

    ~Ifti Ka Naam Injustice~

    Justice Iftikhar Choudhry ..........(Chief Justice of Injustice) Can one expect justice in Pakistan? the former chief justice Iftikhar Choudhry is just as corrupt if not worse. There is no justice in Pakistan’s judiciary and there is no justice in Pakistan’ s Parliament. A lot of...
  3. P

    Banning TV channels

    Indian cowards are happy because Geo tv is working for them and JEWS. Geo tv is actually working for the enemies of Pakistan.
  4. P

    Banning TV channels

    Geo tv Must be SHUT DOWN immediately and permanently, Geo tv is working against Pakistan and is responsible for plunging Pakistan into a big crisis. Those Geo tv reporters (Ghaddaars) who tried to prove that Ajmal Kassab was a Pakistani, must be given exemplary punishments. A VIDEO OF GEO tv...
  5. P

    Indian national arrested in Lahore, linked to blast

    Indian terrorists are arrested today in Lahore, thats true and Pakistan should present these indian terrorists to the whole wolrds media /tv channles and tell them that india is a terrorists country who supports terrorism, Now Pakistan should use this opportunity , the ball is now in pakistan's...
  6. P

    IAF plans to hit targets in 24 hours

    Indian cowards will not dare to attack pakistani soil because they know very well that Pakistani air force is the worlds 2nd best air Force and we are already on red alert and we will teach them a lesson that they will never forget
  7. P

    PN 47th parents day images

    Yes, but Zardari looks so stupid wearing his dumb Sindhi Cap, (Little Ninja turtle), lols
  8. P

    Kayani 20th most powerful person in world

    Gen. Kayani is a very competent, intelligent and brave army chief. no doubt
  9. P

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    it is a great news, thanks for sharing, we needed it already
  10. P

    China Planning for An Aircraft carrier

    Pakistan also need an aircraft carrier urgently
  11. P

    Breaking news: Ajmal may tell his tale on TV

    BREAKING NEWS Indian terrorist is arrested in Lahore, he is involved in Lahore bombb blast. His real name was Sataish ananad. Tommorow in newspapers you will read the detailed report. Police is looking for his 4 more accomplices who are also indian nationals involved in terror activities in...
  12. P

    Nice reading about Babur and Ra'ad/H2/H4 etc

    Thanks for the detailed info, keep it up
  13. P

    A True Pakistani Video

    A true Pakistani Video Plz click the given youtube link to watch, turn your speakers full up, make a cup of tea, get relaxed, and watch it till the end. the post is fixed now, it seems as if you have disabled the html activation code otherwise videos works perfectly well. that might be the...
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