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  1. E

    The price of high-speed ambitions

    Railway traffic is more energy saving compared to air traffic, and we can drive it with green power rather than oil which someday will use out. As for china, the top one population country, it is a wise policy to develop highspeed train, so think more widely then make a conclution
  2. E

    Thailand Naval Ships visits Sri Lanka

    The two ships were built by chinese company if I remember correctly
  3. E

    11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment

    This tragedy was cased by thunder lighting, rip to the dead
  4. E

    Myanmar asks for Indian military help against rebels

    Sent army to help them , we lose nothing but you get another burden
  5. E

    India successfully tests world's 3rd largest and Asia's largest solid rocket booster

    Congratulations, the hard-working scientists deserve this achievement, and we should cooperate on the space program to break the monopoly by the western country.
  6. E

    Protesters, police clash; 20 killed

    This is not the truth, west medias always have anti-China position, you should combine as much as info from all sides and tell the difference , find what has really happend. The pictures showed that the 'Protesters' bought ax and knife to crush the local police station, burned the all building...
  7. E

    India approves C-17 purchase

    you guys are lucky, you can buy whatever you want not like us
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