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  1. E

    Pakistan before 90s

    Beautiful pictures.. Beautiful thread.. Thanks for taking us down the memory lane of old Pakistan.. Our history aside, I wish all the very best for the future of Pakistan and prosperity to the people of the land..
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    BBC declares Chandigarh as the perfect city in the world

    While the article doesn't cite Chandigarh to be the perfect city in the world, it also doesn't just say that Chandigarh is the best India has to offer. The article is clearly trying to compare some of the famous cities planned, designed and built from scratch across the world and opines that...
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    Trolling and hate?

    With members from so many nationalities, ethnicity, representing different cultural, social, economical and political backgrounds, it's no wonder there's a lot of disagreement in here so much so that sometimes (ok, perhaps a lot of times), it borders on the verge of hatred. It's natural. But all...
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    In IT, do any of these domains require extraordinary Einstein like IQ? Tools, Technology, Manage IT

    Respectfully disagree. While anyone can learn "how to code" in 3-4 months, writing "correct" and "best" code requires years of practice. By correct I mean the correct way to write code and by best I mean the most suitable way given the requirements. Development from scratch means you will need...
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    Civic, Corolla and City cheaper than similar cars in India

    Consider buying new Adui/BMW instead of used. Factory warranty should pay off usual maintenance. For 35K you can get a new BMW 3/Audi A4. Having said that, there are a lot of other equally good if not better options. If I were you and had 35K to spare I would either go for a new Lexus ES350 or a...
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    Wild life of the most beautiful Capital City; Islamabd

    A leopard is technically a Cat so you can definitely watch the video. :) On topic.. Beautiful!!!
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    Massive earthquake in Pakistan

    My deepest condolences to anyone and everyone who were hit by this tragedy. People safety is of paramount importance in the affected areas so I will urge people to follow rules, regulations and guidelines set forth by the local authorities. Help those affected but keep yourself safe at the same...
  8. E

    India not even close to where China was 5 years ago: Chinese daily

    Sad, but so very true. I just hope with better infrastructure and better spending capacity in near and far future, people will spend better (education, sanitation etc.) and not on inflating an already inflated ego. Education is the key.. and by education I don't mean STEM.. I mean ability to...
  9. E

    India not even close to where China was 5 years ago: Chinese daily

    Right. But for the sake of simplicity lets just consider comparing the economies. I think 10-15 years is a reasonable time-frame. Of course, this time frame does not indicate the time to catch up to China. It just indicates the time required for India to reach where China is right NOW. India...
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    India not even close to where China was 5 years ago: Chinese daily

    I guess, if not 15, 10 years would be a good time frame for comparison. Frankly speaking, I think China is way out of our league now. It's time we should stop looking at China as a competitor and start inculcating their success story within our economy. With current state of affairs, I think it...
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    Israeli occupation and the astounding silence

    I don't know. If they have decided to deal with the person, they will, either publicly or under a veil. And that's very troubling. I am not defending Israel, I don't like them. I am all to aware of their brutality and am totally against it. What I don't believe in (and it's totally my judgement...
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    Israeli occupation and the astounding silence

    While I agree, that the police/army should not have shot her, I don't agree that she was shot just because she refused to remove her hijab. Wearing hijab is not a crime in Israel (occupied territories). Women venture out wearing hijab all the time there. She doesn't look like random, police...
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    One of the things ppl here in PNW (Pacific North West) know about is there coffee. People here in Seattle are one of the most prolific coffee consumers in the world. It's just a part of the life. I, personally, like to have a cup of black coffee every morning so much so that sometimes the aroma...
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    Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

    What about establishing a condominium (India - Pak) or tridominium (India - Pak - China) over the territories. I know it's rare in international law for 2 or more than 2 sovereign powers to jointly administer a territory but it could help. Of course such a solution assumes that the problem is of...
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    Eid ul-Adha Mubarak 2015

    Wishing all PDFians a very mubarak Eid.. :-) @jamahir - Get well soon bro.. You don't want to keep Bangalore girls waiting for 2 months, now, do you?
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    Anti-India Radio Broadcast Started in Indian Occupied Kashmir

    Oh! For long, I believed (or was led to believe) that anti India sentiment is already deeply rooted in the minds and hearts of Kashmiris. Why then the need for a Radio to exhort them? Guess, they lost some ground with the anti India thingy, that's why had to resort to using Radio to goad people...
  17. E

    Game of Thrones fans?

    Somehow, I don't want R+L = J to come true. It's one prediction that has been discussed to death in almost all fan forums. It will be awesome if GRR Martin decides to surprise/shock all of us fans with an absolutely different story line.
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    Game of Thrones fans?

    It's not a spoiler for people who have read ASOIAF. The fate of Jon Snow was left for much speculation in the last book. He may or may not survive the attack. If he is killed, he may be resurrected by Melisandre, but who knows. It all will be revealed in the next book 'Winds of Winter'.
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    Street Food Is King

    Where's Tikki Chat. I love Tikki Chat and Gol Gappay and Egg Rolls. Hmm.. I am hungry now.
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    Why can't India produces influential software?

    True to some extent but believe me it is not a knowledge problem. Outsourcing is a big business in India but it is not the only business. There are hundreds of dev centers ranging from Google, Facebook, Microsoft etc to startups. To achieve something, you should have knowledge and intent...
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