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  1. M

    US must end discrimination towards Pakistan: Qureshi

    The scientist u r talking abt had drowned in the river.His dead body was found the very next day.Moreover he worked in a civilian nuclear establishment and not a military one. Isreal had made its own weapons just like India.Isreal bought a reactor from france and placed it in Dimona.The reactor...
  2. M

    US must end discrimination towards Pakistan: Qureshi

    They are not satisfied with what they are getting.They want a nuclear deal similar to the one offered to India.May i remind Mr qureshi abt the track record of Pakistan regarding nuclear weapons.They started their program by stealing designs of centrifuges from Belgium and later on sold it to...
  3. M

    India to ease visa rules for Bangladeshis:

    Visas for Bangladeshis is a joke.They enter every now and then and become Indias burden.Can anyone please tell me how many illegal bangladeshis are there in India at the moment.
  4. M

    Its Official: JXX is going to test fly in the next few days

    Copy of the F-22.I would like to congratulate the chinese designers as no one can beat them in copying.
  5. M

    Saudi Monarchy;a disgrace?

    They invested where their financial advisors all expats have told them to invest.
  6. M

    India bans Chinese telecoms imports

    Can u name these advanced stuff please.
  7. M

    Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

    You talk as if Indian defences will fall like a stack of cards.In the 62 war India lost only because of an ill equiped army .This willl not be the case in the future.China will face stiff resistance .Remember India is a sleeping tiger and has the potential to bleed the dragon .
  8. M

    Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

    Cut the crap .I have had enough of these. India is developing and still has a long way to go.But it is definitely much ahead of Bangladesh in every field.
  9. M

    Pak trial of terror suspects should match that of India: Saudi media

    This is what is called a fair trial.India is a democracy and every one has the right to defend himself.The government has spend crores of rupees to give your fellow countryman a fair trial.So just be happy.
  10. M

    Saudi Monarchy;a disgrace?

    They have a lot of money but they lack a very important thing which is essential for becoming a super power.BRAINS!!!!!
  11. M

    SULTAN's DEATH anniversry.....

    I have a small doubt here.Who was the real Boss.Tipu or the maharajah of Mysore.
  12. M

    Indo-Israeli Nexus Sabotages World Peace

    Who said kashmiris have no freedom.Don't u see the huge protests in the valley where people shout anti India slogans(freedom of speech).If India wanted she could crush every uprising like the chinese and kick out media personnel.In kashmir a BBC journaslist can film a kashmiri getting beaten up...
  13. M

    Indo-Israeli Nexus Sabotages World Peace

    Why did pakistan attack in the first place??If the attack had not occured then Kashmir would have been a free country now.
  14. M

    Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

    Dont bring in History and discuss the battle of panipat.Open ur eyes and look around .The reality is that bangladesh is a very poor country with almost no regional influence.It is best for bangladesh to catch Indias hand and walk. By the way the Pak army was strong enough to completely crush...
  15. M

    Indo-Israeli Nexus Sabotages World Peace

    U have the wrong information.The last Viceroy of India had made it clear that a ruler can stay independent from both India and Pakistan if he wishes.The king of jammu wanted to remain independent,but after tribes from the NWFP attacked his kingdom he decided to join India.
  16. M

    India bans Chinese telecoms imports

    I have been visiting this forum for a few weeks now and all i can say is that this is primarily a India bashing forum where India bashers from all across the world converge. I would request the mods to create a separate section called India bashing so that these India bashers can post their...
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