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  1. DukeOfDefense

    China reveals aircraft carrier ambitions

    Well remember, in most of the Taiwan Strait Crises, the US sent a large naval fleet, which usually was enough to thwart the threat. I would think the PLAN would be preparing for some American naval intervention the next time this 'unification' is attempted. Not to mention that the ROCN is pretty...
  2. DukeOfDefense

    India Digs In Its Heels as China Flexes Its Muscles

    I think it's worthwhile to point out to all members that China is just as dependent on exports to Europe/America as Europe/America is dependent on China buying its debt. If America embargoes China, China can request all its money back, and promise to never again buy US debt, which would bankrupt...
  3. DukeOfDefense

    Pushing Back: Sino-Indian Relations Roll Downhill

    Pushing Back As China’s prime minister visits India, the host’s attitude towards its bigger neighbour is hardening REACTION: I think Web Jiabo's visit hasn't done much for Sino-Indian relations. The trade surplus and support for Pakistan definitely frustrates Indian officials, and...
  4. DukeOfDefense

    India to challenge China more: Indian experts

    Wasn't trying to pretend anything, I just got a bit mixed up in the early morning with the wording. But thanks for clearing it up.
  5. DukeOfDefense

    Hyperinflation fears grow

    Was really just referring to how Afghanistan is out in the open (i.e. compared to how no one pays much attention to say Madagascar's affairs), not that it was any sort of a power or anything. But Afghanistan would be affected heavily.
  6. DukeOfDefense

    China reveals aircraft carrier ambitions

    This is a good step on the road of China's potential superpowerdom. I remember reading the book The Next 100 Years by George Friedman, who really emphasized that the US is a superpower mainly because of its navy being able to control the world's trade and sea lanes. Especially that the carriers...
  7. DukeOfDefense

    India to challenge China more: Indian experts

    Doesn't India already recognize the one-China policy? Political status of Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (scroll down a bit, India isn't on the list of nations that recognize the RoC) Or is it just that India is one of the few nations that still has some sort of diplomatic...
  8. DukeOfDefense

    Hyperinflation fears grow

    Well if the Pakistani government can't make ends meet without having to resort to printing money, inflation, and hyperinflation, is a real possibility. We don't want it to become another post-Soviet economy, Bolivia, Germany, or Zimbabwe. Hopefully not though, hyperinflation literally...
  9. DukeOfDefense

    Britain forms plan for Gulf evacuation in event of war with Iran

    Well, they may not attack the US and its allies necessarily first, but this plan could also be instated in case of a pre-emptive attack on Iran's nuclear facilities or something. Who knows what ideas Iran has up its sleeve anyway...
  10. DukeOfDefense

    Britain forms plan for Gulf evacuation in event of war with Iran

    An interesting figure to point out here... I think India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines have an even greater reason to form their own evacuation plans, as they have millions of full time workers in the Gulf states. India was barely able to efficiently pull out its expatriates...
  11. DukeOfDefense

    Bangladesh to clock record GDP growth: central bank

    At this rate, we can very soon expect to see a record GDP growth of around 9% in Bangladesh.
  12. DukeOfDefense

    Call to free India rights activist Binayak Sen

    Was this a part of the article? Or did you add it in? Cause it has some grammatical mistakes that aren't in sync with the rest of the article... But in any event, Sen's imprisonment is definitely a blow to India's reputation as being the democratic, rule of law state. But I don't think his...
  13. DukeOfDefense

    China and Indiam Friends or Foes ??

    Unless India and China want to become pawns in the hegemons left from the aftermath of the Cold War (i.e. America, contrasting political philosophies, etc.), they ought to cooperate to an extent. Both nations could do make more progress than constantly looking North/South at their neighbors...
  14. DukeOfDefense

    Pakistan asks India to keep up promise of cotton export

    If both India and Pakistan are desirous of better relations, cotton exports are a good idea. I think Napoleon once said: "A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights." Similarly, a man also may put down a fight for his interests, rather than his 'rights' (or disputed...
  15. DukeOfDefense

    Dhaka Seeks to Lease Farmland in Laos

    Just imagine 150 million plus people eating full everyday one day... Especially with Bangladesh's industrialization, farmland's going to become scarce. A good strategic move, though, in the future, only agricultural research/study like the various 'Green Revolutions' will truly provide food...
  16. DukeOfDefense

    India plans to procure 22 AH-64D Block III Apache Helicopters

    Any ideas on where all 22 will be positioned?
  17. DukeOfDefense

    Oman asks Pak, India to improve relations

    Indeed so! Perhaps he should also keep Jammu & Kashmir, and the LeT, and the Afghani terror outfits in view as well! Anyway, I've read about Sultan Qaboos, and if there's any experienced leader both India and Pakistan should take advice from, it's Qaboos. He's settled divides and tribal...
  18. DukeOfDefense

    What has Democracy solve for India? Lesson for us.

    If the PRC's government had some transparency, I'm sure we'd find similar figures. China doesn't fare that much better on corruption ratings.
  19. DukeOfDefense

    Antony asks Navy to assert its hold over IOR

    I guess there's a reason why they call it the INDIAN Ocean :D
  20. DukeOfDefense

    For Saudis, U.S. arms deal is a challenge

    Not exactly. The US has a MAJOR arms export business (the largest in the world for decades). But it's arms exports are usually $6.6-7 billion dollars annually, while the US's aggregate exports are around $1 trillion dollars. In reality, most American defense contractors make their buck selling...
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