1. PAEC's ground work was done by Bengalee scientists. Bangladesh has the necessary technicians / man power / scientists to acquire nuclear weapons. In fact a CIA study shows Bangladesh can become nuclear in a year.
2. However, the reality is that Bangladesh is even unable to construct a much...
1. Yes, that is a correct perception. The Western Christian Civilization needs to invent an enemy to fight. They must expand their age-old ICBMs and other arsenal and allow production of new. Otherwise the entire capitalistic system will freeze with their currency remaining static. That of...
Where do you place Gen Ziauddin Khwaza who was appointed Chief by the legitimate authority of Pak,ie, the PM? Gen Zia did not organize a putsch. Nor was he self-appointed.
1.It is as unrealistic to think of a world without nukes as it would be to think of a world without the likes of Bush. Both are scourge of the earth, but we have to live with both of them.
2. In the next decade the nuclear might add fol new members: Brazil, S Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Iran...
1. The Holy Quoran commands a Muslim "to clear his house of the intruder". Jihad is clearly enjioned on the people of Kashmir who have been fighting an intruder to throw him out of their abode. All in the Ummah must come to their aid as an Islamic duty, as they must do in Palestine, Arakan, S...
1. Talibans, either side of the Durand Line, are totally convinced that they are fighting a jihad. As such, like minded Muslim youth, irrespective of nationality, find it obligatory to join them. This mental perception of the Taliban fighter needs to be understood.
2. It will be refreshing...