The entry of chinese will be a direct breach of the Shimla agreement where the Kashmir issue will stay bilateral. This will give a big blow to Chinese diplomatic efforts and thus bring into fray a lot of...
And it would be a direct breach of Shimla Agreement of 1971 and India can drag both Pakistan and China to the Arbitration court.
China is just being China. Nothing else here.
Man a friendship treaty with Bhutan existed since 1949.
I know you are ignorant because the CCP censors lot of your media and access to neutral sources like Google.
BVR is already there. IFR is being integrated. For FOC the BVR is tested already, IFR probe integration and aerodynamic tests are being carried out. Actual refuelling tests remain.
There are lots of hands on courses for transplant medicine all over the world. Why dont your vascular and hepatobiliary specialists go there, train themselves and come back to do surgeries there?