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  1. I

    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Pakistan is a ‘failed state’, says US Congressman Pakistan is a ‘failed state’, says US Congressman Tuesday, December 09, 2008 NEW YORK: Condemning the Mumbai carnage, senior US Congressman Frank Pallone has said the terrorists involved in the attack tried to give the impression that they...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Here is pakistani news paper Failed State Index 2009 - Pakistan at 10th — Pro-Pakistan Pakistan is listed at 10th in the Failed State 2009 Index. Placed ninth among all countries last year in terms of its overall achievement, has improved its position only by a notch - it is placed 10th...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Senator and US presidential runner John McCain saying something. "Pakistan is not a failed state it was already a failed state." It is in same league as Irag, Afghanistan and somalia.
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    You have not answered my question. Why pakistan is in top 10 failed state list. here is USA presidential candidate saying pakistan is failed state McCain Calling Pakistan a "Failed State"
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    Who will Sikhs Support?

    Sikhs are very brave people. They saved india from aghan invasion and destruction. We owe them a lot.
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    New generation artillery

    Looks great. India should order 1000 immediately.
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    Ranjit Singh : The Quintessential Indus Man

    From your logic, Europeans also attacked present day pakistan and brought lot of things. One is english you are using now. Please name some of important things in pakistan on british/european names? What a pathetic thinking. :hitwall::hitwall:
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    India launches campaign in China to push its IT sector

    Yes you are right. Foreigner need not go through the common entrance exam. No subside for them. Still it is cheaper compared to western full aid education.
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    Beautiful pictures of Iran

    Wow Iran looks very beautiful. All media shows is Ahemnijad
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    Army ready to forgo Military Hardware for Economic Boost

    I have not seen a single line on PBS news about general kiyani in USA or about strategic talk. Looks like kiyani is less words and more work. right person When MMS was in USA, there was huge media coverage.
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Busy with cherry picking...:rofl::rofl:
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Did you find any logical conclusion from any of his thread? He does not acknowledge your question or answers it. He simply post another story. Show me any of his thread has any conclusion. Are you thinking of gaining knowledge and resource by debating with thread starter. We all here due to...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    ^^^ Karan Buddy, Please don't ask any question. He neither answers nor acknowledges it. We all know he knows nothing. Just let him answer one question "Why pakistan is in top 10 failed state". It will help him better understanding of his mother land and comes back to reality. regards, -...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    BTW did you read my article from pakistani news paper. Looks like you are busy with MS Paint work :hitwall::hitwall:. Please read it.
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Budy, I am requesting you please don't ask any question. We all know he knows nothing. Please let him answer why pakistan is in top 10 failed state. It will help him understand his mother land better.
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Please read pakistan news paper http: // www .nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Politics/29-Jun-2009/Pakistan-recovers-in-failed-states-index now it is top 10 from 9th position :chilli: PAKISTAN, split in the middle with terrorist attacks and facing an economic...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Now it is worse in 2009. you want new source. here is the source http: / / www. fundforpeace.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=323 Happy reading again.
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Jade Buddy, Please don't allow Haq to escape without answering question. Don't ask any question. Let him answer first why pakistan is in top 10 failed state.
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Here is link to BBC http: / / news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4964934. stm Pakistan 'is a top failed state' Pakistan and Afghanistan are among the world's top 10 most vulnerable states, according to a new study. Happy reading..:hitwall:
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Look there is lot of difference. Pakistan is in top 10 list. India is nowhere near to it. The ranking tells the difference in level of failed state. People like you and me can't put pakistan in the list. Still you have not answered why it is in top 10 list.
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