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  1. T

    PN U-Boats!

    but if india foe for u 214 then pn wont buy it and again we all knw chinese are no match fr u 214 or amur and as far as i knw merlins are still not operational . in tht case ur left with upgraded agostas and chinese subs ,but then hw will pn match indian sub fleet
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    it looks great ,but i hv few doubts ,to make it stealthier many things in its prototype has to be changed eg. the landing gears ,the heat exhaust,the weaopns on its wings etc,i hd seen a episode on comanche ,indian lch looks like the comanche
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    PN U-Boats!

    russians wld nvr give them thje amur or lada ,and yuan is no whr compared to amur or u214 ,then wht????
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    Four MMRCA contenders fail Leh trials

    awesome pics yaar thnx soo much ,keep jup yhe gud wrk
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    PN U-Boats!

    can anyone plz give sn suitable ans to my question:mod:
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    PN U-Boats!

    wt if india orders u-214 then pakistan wont buy them ,in that case wt other options pakistan has
  7. T

    India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

    hey how do u know that,hv u ever been to sikkim,i hv studied in sikkim for four years nw and they are quite happy t o be a part of india ,rather than the chinese.they quite enjoy the special status and the freedom given to them by t he indian gov:yahoo:
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