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  1. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    Think and type might be helpful for you. We never rejected poverty. But topic is different and related to security agencies..... So dont behave like *****.
  2. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    Now who is the leadership you are pointing here? Please don't take me wrong I always seek advice/suggestions from people from same field or have some experience.
  3. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    Wait for more 3 days and you will come to know latest shahid from your people...
  4. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    odd days .... whats that?
  5. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    Hey .... Do your chief able to save your people?
  6. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    Oscar then who you are blaming here? ISI or Army? I see end result and your people are getting killed evryday... I dont belong to your country but wanted to know whats wrong? PS: As per the infomation on net and some books ISI is the part of Pakistan Army.
  7. Shak

    ISI "toying" RAW.

    its all bullshit... whats the result?? People are getting killed everyday. I dont buy it...
  8. Shak

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Oscar I am not good witter and I dont know about you except you are think tank. Today's India got screwed UP due to weak system and impotent politicians. I do not want to insult my country and its no where near to topic too. But as you can see lot of scams and citizens are so afraid in own...
  9. Shak

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    Do you really think that Indians are so capable to do this job??? We are so fu(ked up with Asam situation. our politicians and army dont have any intention and CAPACITY to rule or destroy any part of the world. We cant handle our own country
  10. Shak

    Attack on PAF Base Minhas

    [/B] What is the meaning of boalded part? can you please explain?
  11. Shak

    India's first laser guided bomb - Sudarshan

    Post some link which can hold your claim ..... come on dont be so stupid.
  12. Shak

    Suicide car bomb blast kills five troops in Quetta.

    RIP. So much violence this year across the world.
  13. Shak

    World War 3 (India at War)

    You are Sick dude. what do u think China will be same after ww3? listen you jerk WW is not joke and all humanity will surfer and face hell on earth it self.
  14. Shak

    World War 3 (India at War)

    Talk some sense. ---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 AM ---------- those are fcking s$$holes bro....
  15. Shak

    Iranian engineers reveal methods of hacking US drones

    How much secure product you make ... Hackers gonna crack it. Take example of this incident. As per the Iranian scientist they 1st broke the communication of Drone from base station using noise. Now you should understand here base station and Drone are communication over secure channel...
  16. Shak

    Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

    Muse your a true think tank and I would like to salute you. I really appreciate your posts and would like to see person like you with political power. You don't type here for argument sake like others, we can really see a well mature individual with VISION. Thank you for all your posts.
  17. Shak

    25 killed in fresh violence, even as activists walk for peace

    KARACHI: Violence refused to die down in this Pakistani city with 10 more people killed on Monday, raising the death toll to 25 in the past two days, even as people joined a government-supported peace rally to demand an end to the unabated killings. Police and rescue officials confirmed that...
  18. Shak

    Pakistan: On the streets

    What is CHINA dental clinic and Chinese dentist in 3rd pic?
  19. Shak

    Indian Border security force brutally killed Bangladeshi youth with bayonet

    We don't believe bhangi Amardesh news paper. Provide some credible news source or shut up. Mods do you like brain farts like this?
  20. Shak

    China Encircles India

    Because admin and mods like ur brain farts.... Let them have fun :D Even INDIANS enjoys kicking ur @ss. Have a worst weekend @ss Hole
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