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  1. Shak

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    Its basic law of human nature. If my enemy has better attach capability then I must process same. What would be china's reaction if situation was vice-versa?
  2. Shak

    A NOVICE SUPERPOWER: - India now has a chance to recreate its past golden ages

    Mr. CR we r not so concern about unsc seat so please do not pretend that you know what india want. we are developing country with tremendous talent and self esteem. its only because of few corrupt politicians people like you take cheap shot on indian but its only matter of time. we are...
  3. Shak

    Help us sort out Kashmir issue, Pak tells China

    Whatever.............. we should not move 1 inch from our stand. let them take help from Chinese or Americans or even aliens. Who cares?
  4. Shak

    Tibetans in Delhi protest against Wen's visit.

    Why kashmiri wants to destroy public property. Why cant they just follow same path which Gandhi showed to entire world?
  5. Shak

    A NOVICE SUPERPOWER: - India now has a chance to recreate its past golden ages

    CR, no one is saying India is super power. At least those who are in India and we don’t want to be super power. We have our goals and ambitions. We have biggest military of corrupt politicians but surely we are improving day by day. As far as money concern you can see top most...
  6. Shak

    Expanding China India Ties

    Trade will go higher and higher this is just beginning. Asia booming once again. I wish Pakistan to be part of this league. :cheers:
  7. Shak

    Pak, Italy govts agree to cancel 50% of Pak debt

    Good for pakistan ...Now say thanks to Sonia.:cheers:
  8. Shak

    Russia, India 'likely' to sign 5G fighter contract in December

    India will eventually spend over $25 billion to induct 250 advanced stealth fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA).This will be in addition to the huge investment to be made in co-developing FGFA with cash-strapped Russia, as also the huge infrastructure required to base, operate and maintain...
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