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  1. USSR

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Beware of British. Another divide and rule in the making. Never trust these greedy capitalist. Their system is failed like communism in 90's.
  2. USSR

    Russian Navy to base warships at Syrian port after 2012

    Russia strong but I dont think USA will alow the move.
  3. USSR

    Pakistan has more Nukes than India.

    But who has the most fall out bunkers? Nobody think about this in India or Pakistan?? Both want to nuke each other. Come on have some common sense. You people need fallout bunkers and weekly evacuation drill like Soviet Russia.
  4. USSR

    Viper driver in PLAN!

    Viper guy flying Sukhoi..amazing. How does we find the Sukhoi? Feedback will be intresting.
  5. USSR

    Iran Mounts New Radar Systems on Fighter Jets

    India is helping them with smuggled Russian radars. They alter the paint and claim it as their own.
  6. USSR

    Iran stocks hit all-time high despite sanctions

    450 billion rials = (almost 45 million dollars) Speaks a lot about their economy lol. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  7. USSR

    **** movie screened in Indonesian parliament

    In Russia advertisement billboard are hacked to display **** all too often. It is very funny but rude for children
  8. USSR

    Indo/Pak Strategic Balance to widen

    India is becoming the shining star of asia. It will grow stronger than china soon.
  9. USSR

    India And Russia: Joint Military Drills

    I am just speaking my point and I think this forum is free speech. India cuts Pakistan into two with Soviet Navy help. Pakistan takes revenge by fragmenting Soviet in tens and makes history. Who win??? Soviets ask to assist KHAD agents India chicken out with neutrality policy. Then take...
  10. USSR

    Feel the Power:The World is round!!

    But I do admit India has accomplished great. I congratulate them. But dont assume I am Russian. I am Egyptian born in GDR then grew up in USSR. I have many good memories from USSR. Now i am growing old lol.
  11. USSR

    India to produce $50 lightweight drones [theSpoof]

    it is possible RCPowers
  12. USSR

    The Gulf BlackBerry ban: not scary, just stupid

    all the prostitution and drugs are traded over BB messenger..lol go figure..these towel heads are too concerned over everything.
  13. USSR

    Angel of Death - World's biggest flying artillery gun

    The hedge hog from hell During the WW2 Russian Army was using a “Fire Hedgehog” - the set of 88 Tommy-gun alike machine guns loaded into a plane. It was used at low attitude flights to effectively saw off hundreds of enemy soldiers. When the pilot got above some Nazi crowd the...
  14. USSR

    India begins hunt for mini ‘killer’ drones

    and this RCPowers
  15. USSR

    What about Mi-35 Attack Helicopters for Pakistan?

    We call it crocodile
  16. USSR

    US hints at operation in Pakistan

    Might be a trap for Pakistan to lure them in new front. Bad memories of Soviet-Afghan war! History hasn't changed much.
  17. USSR

    Some picture of china new plane

    This is a Sukhoi clone
  18. USSR

    Indian Social Profiling

    lol as if racial profiling does not happen anywhere. Same can be said for Muslims in armed forces of Russia or Europe. Only execption i would say is France which has a lot of arabs and Muslims among ranks.
  19. USSR

    Would you buy Pakistan?

    Take help from China. Their propganda machine is very strong in marketing. The whole world flocks to China for investment when Russia next door offers better man power and vodka. Vodka and girls would help :cheers:
  20. USSR

    Feel the Power:The World is round!!

    Lord Macaulay is an absolute hoax. He must have traveled to some princely states and then reported back his pathetic analysis.
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