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  1. TalhaBinTariq

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    Pak Fazzayya must not waste money in buying F-16s or Mirages other Western Planes, because then, we will be at the mercy of West in future war with India. On the other hand, China has not only helped us in past wars of 1965, 1971 (in 1971, First Premier Zhou En Lai offered F-5's that were to be...
  2. TalhaBinTariq

    Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

    AAAAARRGGHHH!!!! I am absolutely disgusted by this "Democratic" (CORRUPT) Government!!!! Hey brothers & sisters, if that Yankee Terrorist is flown out of the sacred motherland, lets all settle it on the streets, for once and for all! Egyptian Style! :pakistan: (When will Army step in? I've...
  3. TalhaBinTariq

    US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

    Why can't we be more like Turks? After all, we are blood brothers aren't we? Where is our honor? Why do we assist in killing of Afghans and our own Pakistanis? Think... 'cuz it'll be too late soon.
  4. TalhaBinTariq

    Gates warns China not to underestimate US power

    For any of my Chinese Brothers:- Please translate this, so others can read it as well. "Sorry, the man was drunk, he was not in his senses at that moment when he said those things. You know they are in your debts, literally!!!" :china::pakistan::china::pakistan...
  5. TalhaBinTariq

    Indian Navy commandos to get Israeli rifles

    I would love to see them in action at Rann Of Kutch!!!
  6. TalhaBinTariq

    Fuure of East Indian Punjab & Khalistan by Zaheerul Hassan

    It would be very good, not only for Sikhs, but for Pakistani Defense as well. With a Sikh State created at east of Wagah, it would be a barrier from true "Secular" India. Jus like Eastern Europe. Pakistan would equip its Sikh neighbor's Armed forces. Afterall if a Sikh Cadet can get commission...
  7. TalhaBinTariq

    Pakistani politicians: Bad than worst

    Courtsey of Dynastic Democracy of Pakistan (Sultani Jamhooryat-e-Pakistan)!!! This is what Wikipedia says:- The Bhutto Family Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto,Feudal Lord Larkana, Sindh Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (President (1970–1973); Prime Minister (1973–1977); son of Sir...
  8. TalhaBinTariq

    Parhay Likhay Pakistani Politicians

    Is it just me or does Pakistan really seem to do well under military rule? Take Field Marshall Ayub Khan, General Yahya Khan, General Zia-ul-Haq & General Parvez Musharraf's Regimes, and compare it with civil governments.
  9. TalhaBinTariq

    The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

    What would be the role of Pakistan in this conflict? The مسلح افواج (Mussallaah Afvaaj) (Pakistani Armed Forces) might react on concentrating troop deployment to Eastern Border and may try to pressurize Indian Forces to divert their military...
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