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  1. B

    If the Generals knew the India role in regime change, could it be stopped, evoking some India centric Ghairat.

    This is a point very few people understand in Pak including, sadly it seems, majority of the army rank and file. Modi is a buzdill of the highest order who can only display his mardaangi by taking on defenseless Indian muslims. There is zero chance that Modi would have the courage to launch...
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    Pakistan makes unprecedented announcement of nuclear capabilities

    I had written a post before on risk of nuclear power going bankrupt. There is a precedence for this development when Russia defaulted in late 90s. Acting on gora advice, and with disastrous consequences, Russia implemented economic shock therapy post fall of communist government. Yeltsin, who...
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    Pakistan’s economy contracts by $33.4 billion: PBS

    This is what our aflatoon army high command has done. I work for a large European asset manager on the emerging market fixed income side. Prior to RCO, my fund had significant exposure to Pakistan. More importantly, someone higher up in my company, on the equity side, got very bullish on...
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    I am sure that the rooh of these noble martyrs will be deriving sukoon from observing the current state of Pakistan - a country in which the likes of Diesel, Porno Nani, Ghandu Billa and Kaala Altaf exercise unchecked power while dangerous criminals such as Yasmin Rashid find themselves in jail...
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    Fawad Choudhry Quits PTI ..and Asad Umar Follows !

    Look at how much money IMF has given to Ukraine and compare that number with paltry aid given to Pakistan. Moreover, no one wants to lend money to an entity on the verge of bankruptcy, even IMF. This is why IMF wants Pakistan to line up around USD6bn from friendly countries before IMF gives the...
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    Fawad Choudhry Quits PTI ..and Asad Umar Follows !

    Back in 2007, during peak of azad adilya movement, I had warned foolish supporters of IK that anjaam of supporting the likes of BB, Zardari and Sharifs would have deadly consequences. We see the result of this foolishness today. His supporters have claimed for the last fifteen years that...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Army high command is doing ghadaari. High command has claimed on record that NATO did saazish against IK. So how did the hukaam respond? They responded by taking numerous trips to gorastan where they did not take a word in anger. Americans have stated on record that Pakistan's nuclear program...
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    Anwar Maqsood Shocking Speech | Imran Khan | Shahbaz Sharif

    Enough with this 75 year bs. Post independence, almost all third world countries have experienced multiple periods of army rule. India is one notable exception and India is not a model by any means notwithstanding what gora lovers tell you. SL also escaped army rule and SL is not a shining...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Lots of myths are being busted which should lead us to reexamine our beliefs: 1. Khamosh or otherwise, there are no mujahids in the officer rank of the army anymore. May be include air-force as well. More than a year has passed but no dissension in the ranks and nada from any retired army...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Those blind army fanbois, how do you explain army's support to parties that gave carte blanche to Haqqani who was trusted with the state's innermost secrets and who gave thousands of blank visas to CIA agents whose handiwork we see today? Indeed credible reports indicate bharwa mir jaffer...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Asim Munir is going to get the General Sadat treatment. Either that or he will live the rest of his life as hounded, hunted man who will fear his own shadow. That is the price for betraying your dharti.
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    You think things are bad now? Wait till PKR hits 500 as it surely will over the next year. People can get by with one meal a day but when you cant feed your family for days on end, you will have nothing to lose. That is when the real fun begins. IK will be history by then and that's when goras...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Who was responsible for Direct Action Day violence? Was it Muslim League whose just demands were being ignored by majority party or Congress which wanted to override the wishes of a people who did not believe in the wacky and dangerous ideology that is Akhund Bharath? Likewise, Israelis, using...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Those of us who have some knowledge of history can recognize the danger existing situation poses for Pak. For the last two hundred years, independent leaders of muslim countries such as Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran have been removed because those leaders have refused to follow gora diktats. Modus...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    The fight should not be against the institution of the army. Instead target should be elements that make army weak - that make Pakistan weak. Contrary to what is being portrayed, awam supported army because army, despite limitations, acted as a guardian of stability which caused khujlee to the...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    The irony. There is an article in today's London Times which talks about how around 100 years ago, British bombed civilians in Gujranwala and how grandfather of current British prime minister might have seen the bombing. Same scenes are being enacted today instigated once again by the British...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Should a bhikaari, unstable mulk like Pak be allowed to possess nuclear weapons? We know our fuji leaders love the smell of greenbacks. What if ISIS/Al Qaeeda were to offer a bunch of cash? Should we trust Pak leaders to put the interest of humanity first? Sleepy Joe has already said that Pak...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Before long, we should see a statement from Uncle Sam stating that we are not worried about safety of Pakistan nuclear weapons. And speaking of US, Pak army actually stood aside when protestors burnt US embassy in 1979 over a reason that was entirely fanciful. Sadly such an action would be more...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Where are the army jawans who are actually trained for physical combat and whose bravery we hear so much about? It seems hindu dna is still strong in their blood. Cant confront pot bellied clowns like Naveed Anjum and they hope to fight the forces of Modi? Better to lay down the arms and meld...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Most of governing leadership is literally sitting in London. One phone call from a low level British or American official and IK would be out pronto. One phone call and elections would be held tomorrow. Enemy never operates in full light of day. That's now how goras conquererd Burray Sagheer...
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