Bangladesh has problems with pakistan
India "" "
Afganistan"" "" """
Not to mention countries which are far away from pakistan (USA,UKetc) also have problems with pakistan..
And all these countries consists of wide variety of people.. Thanks
Conclusion :People living in glass...
I found this un other forum..After reading this there is no need to search for any other answer I think..
why are Muslims powerless?
Here's another reason. We have lost the capacity to produce knowledge.
o In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries) there are only 500 universities...
Here one gets the message you are more concerned about palestine than pakistan.You raise both issues on same breath .That is why I said first breath should go for your country rather than world affairs.
P,s:Maximus is a fictional charecter
Although you sounds realistic but still you are not up there..Palestine problem is not a new one..You can always expect volcanoes near two colliding plates..People of pakistan should worry about their own people more than anything else in the world..There is no similarity b/w what is happening...
Google it You will get what is there in dossier..It was all over print and electronic media..As far as access to qasaab is concerned there is no request from pakistan..