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  1. Guillaume70

    Islamist threatens to attack Merkel, Germany

    This is not true... About which media targeting your religion ?
  2. Guillaume70

    Berlusconi defends Mussolini on Holocaust Remembrance Day, sparks outrage

    Yes ! And it's worse i think. If Italy sinks, it will not be just France, but all euro zone that will be done, and espacialy France, wich is not a strong country as well...
  3. Guillaume70

    Pakistan General Elections 2013

    But, if it's neither of them, so who ? It seem that struggle is almost betwen this two parties
  4. Guillaume70

    Berlusconi defends Mussolini on Holocaust Remembrance Day, sparks outrage

    I agree with you. In one hand, Berlusconi is getting more and more support (but he started this campaign in a very low level), but he will not win this election. The situation is very difficult, and a victory a Berlusconi could lead euro zone in turmoil that could lead euro to an end. Italy is...
  5. Guillaume70

    Pakistan General Elections 2013

    With the last opinion poll I saw, it's seem to me to be very difficult to PTI to get victory. I think Nawaz will get a simple majority with strong support in north Punjab. PTI will probably make a good score in popular vote, but not win enough constituancies to get a majority. But, maybe i'm wrong ?
  6. Guillaume70

    Imran Khan’s vision for peace

    But Pakistan Army can stop this drones strikes if they wanted. I think a F-16 can shoot a drone.
  7. Guillaume70

    Imran Khan’s vision for peace

    Don't forget Baitullah Mehsud. But maybe there were kids near from him....
  8. Guillaume70

    Imran Khan’s vision for peace

    You mean, like an another 9/11 ?
  9. Guillaume70

    NWA operation can delay elections

    Maybe it will be easier for military leadership to launch such an operation after elections. But, even if they launch an operation in NWA, what about others areas where there are Afghans talibans, such as Karachi, Quetta, ... ?
  10. Guillaume70

    I can't send private message

    Yes, one user send me a nice message, so I'm a little embarrassed.
  11. Guillaume70

    I can't send private message

    Ok, thank you. But do you know the number of number of posts I need ? I think not 19000, because there's not many people left.
  12. Guillaume70

    I can't send private message

    :lol: but unfortunately I don't know much about Pakistani food, and i'm not good in cooking actually...
  13. Guillaume70

    I can't send private message

    I have a problem to send private message. When i try to send a pm, it's write "An error has occurred Guillaume70! You must have 19000 posts in order to post links in pm. Your current post count is 21." In the first pm i try to send, there was actualy an external link, then I remove it but this...
  14. Guillaume70

    Afghan govt condemns Imran’s jihad comment

    It's not a gaffe, but a political move.
  15. Guillaume70

    North Waziristan operation under serious consideration: Malik

    Is North Waziristan a major TTP stronghold now ?
  16. Guillaume70

    France to expel anyone threatening security in name of Islam: Minister

    This severity increase after Mohamed Merah, who was a French citizen, kills three soldiers (including one Muslim) and five childreen in a jewish school. He claimed to be a member of Al-Qaeda. Toulouse and Montauban shootings
  17. Guillaume70

    Notify any error!

    I have a problem to send private message. When i trie to send a pm, it's write "An error has occurred Guillaume70! You must have 19000 posts in order to post links in pm. Your current post count is 17." In the first pm i trie to send, there was actualy an external link, but i remove it and this...
  18. Guillaume70

    Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

    What do you mean by "false flagger" ? You mean that i'm not French ?
  19. Guillaume70

    Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

    It's not the subject, but i think you are right. TTP are not targeted in Afghanistan probably because Haqqani are not targeted in North Waziristan, maybe it's like a revenge.
  20. Guillaume70

    Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

    Because they can't stand people who resist them. Don't we see that when they were in Swat ? They don't serve their cause by cutting heads of civilians ? But they actually did.
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