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  1. centerland

    Report reveals huge scale of corruption among Chinese government officials

  2. centerland

    Report reveals huge scale of corruption among Chinese government officials

  3. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    Loser again. No matter to China or to VN commies
  4. centerland

    Self immolation in China proved to be false hoax staged by the Chinese CCP

    Anyway, This Indian a san is trying to insult China, but I am big supporter of non-censorship.
  5. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    So can you VNese be against VN commies or you just let the VNese commies rape you?
  6. centerland

    Self immolation in China proved to be false hoax staged by the Chinese CCP

    People in China can visit the website like this one, people here can go abroad and communicate with others outside China. and people outside china can come to china and communicate with our people. During the communication, informations are shared. so nobody can prevent the Chinese from the...
  7. centerland

    We love peace, but it does not mean we shall give up our interests
  8. centerland

    Self immolation in China proved to be false hoax staged by the Chinese CCP

    Can not. This is information times. How can 1.3 billion people be fooled?
  9. centerland

    Hum, maybe...but in history, VN is always playing games with us
  10. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    Hehe, you use pro CCP data as evidence. go to the street to ask the normal people..
  11. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    How do you know they get enough support from the people? Any evidence? any survey ?
  12. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    yes, sign the agreement with russia and admit the land to russia beyond the northeast China.
  13. centerland

    some of the goole business are blocked, such as youtube
  14. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    Hehe,dont blame KMT now, your masters in beijing are cooperating with KMT now. Without the help of KMT in Taiwan, your boss's profits in mainland will be challenged by the people
  15. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    So, for the interests of our country, who cares?
  16. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    No, it's from the support of Russia.
  17. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    Not perfect but the best in the world. The US gov was set up according to Separation of Powers theory from France
  18. centerland

    What do Chinese "Democratic" Movement Really Think?

    It's useless to post such a topic. Democracy is the trend. No one can stop this. Even the north Korea calls itself democratic Korea
  19. centerland

    Report reveals huge scale of corruption among Chinese government officials

    To label others is your professional tips Below_freezing兄,不能回复你私信,我刚注册,没权限。可以留我其他联系方式。
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