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  1. K

    Alert in Mumbai after 'threat' to avenge Gaza

    Yes to all your questions and over and above this it has been clearly established in the court that a temple did exist there and was built over in the last verdict. As far as the mosque is concerned it was the act of a random ruler trying to assert his religion over the general populace and this...
  2. K

    Alert in Mumbai after 'threat' to avenge Gaza

    And what kind of evidence were you looking for - a video showing Lord Ram being born there or a witness to the event? These are beliefs and are not subject to logic/facts/evidences just as your and others religious beliefs may or may not be logical or factual but would still qualify as...
  3. K


    Like China did with Pakistan, would it have been advisable for India to give nuclear weapon technology to one of the countries neighboring China, so as to keep them engaged?
  4. K

    Indian Weapon Hunger ..

    Do you guys even open the front page of your daily newspapers for e.g. - dawn etc. If so, don't you feel that there is something seriously wrong with your country? I mean 90% of the news are either about someone killing someone or planning to kill, for some reason and sad thing is that most of...
  5. K

    EXCLUSIVE FIRST VIDEO & IMAGES: Here She Is! D63 Kolkata Destroyer With Indian Navy

    Which agency is responsible for the overall specifications planning & designing of these ships?
  6. K

    PM Modi’s JK visit: Language of development stunned them all

    The support for Pakistani cricket team is certainly not limited to Kashmir. People in other parts of India also support them over Indian cricket team. Does that mean that all of them want to leave India and be part of Pakistan? Certainly not. And the movement in Kashmir is not about joining...
  7. K

    PM Modi’s JK visit: Language of development stunned them all

    Kashmir struggle now is at max as genuine as the struggle in Balochistan for autonomy. As in Balochistan, few elites in Kashmir derive their relevance from keeping this matter alive. If there was ever a widespread support for such a struggle no govt. just with a millitary force would have...
  8. K

    Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

    If this is trolling then I guess you are doing a good job of getting on the nerves of some people. But, if these are your serious comments, thought of at the maximum capacity of your brain, then I really pity you and would request everyone else to please understand his situation and leave him alone.
  9. K

    Mountain strike corps formally raised, its 1st division formed

    When you think about India messing with Pakistan you say that Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal and thus will be protected from such adventures. And just before that you have mentioned that China, whenever it wishes so can come and take away India's land, and here you conveniently forget that India...
  10. K

    Agni III Test Tomorrow.

    So, I guess what you are trying to say is that if someone makes claim and later reveals information to support those, then you have reasons to doubt their claim. But, you would blindly accept the claims made by a party which never gave out any information to support their claims by hiding behind...
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    5th-Gen fighter plan hits hurdle as Russia hikes cost ! Chinese Ping Pong ?

    Thanks for clarifying that...the first list did appear a bit over-stretched with China able to design and field a plane (which is their first non-copied plane, hopefully) which was better in all respects when compared with 2 countries with over 100 years of aviation history. Now it is only...
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    Modi: Against Valentine's Day & Pubs & T Shirts

    Petrol prices to go up by Rs. 1.55 per litre Congress sucks!
  13. K

    Modi: Against Valentine's Day & Pubs & T Shirts

    Guynextdoor2, thank you for educating us about what a great party congress is and I will surely vote for it in the next general elections. I hope your work here is done. Now can you please go and post your crap on some other forum!
  14. K

    India has three of world's five best airports: report

    When you build a bridge over a river you do not expect to get the entire cost of building it from the toll. Every single rupee invested gets multiplied every time the bridge supports any economic activity. So, if people find it easy to do business in a city because of presence of an airport...
  15. K

    Z-10 & Z-19 Combat Helicopter News & Discussion

    Clearly, this is a joint project (making India miserable), concerned member please recognize their contribution. :omghaha: Seriously you guys are taking 'sucking up' to new limits.
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