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  1. K

    Police Station in Wana Overwhelmed by a Cross-Border TTP Attack

    Police is normally tasked with the duty of maintaining law & order with unarmed civilian population. Armed insurgency is managed by military & paramilitary forces with specialized equipments. What might be needed here is an approach similar to India - completely close the border with army &...
  2. K

    China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soar

    China is definitely under reporting it's COVID deaths & that's how it has probably gone for the last 2 years. https://www.dawn.com/news/1727516/hearses-queue-at-beijing-crematorium-even-as-china-reports-no-new-covid-deaths
  3. K

    China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soar

  4. K

    “Osama Bin laden is dead but the butcher of Gujarat lives and he is the PM of India.” Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

    Just some political posturing before the election. Similarly, in India some sychophants protesting. Not sure how all this benefits the people of any of the two countries. Both these entities (Pakistani politicians & Indian sychophants) have so many commitments that they are answerable for but...
  5. K

    Xi’s Covid Retreat Shows China Masses They Have Real Power

    Ok, so you are going by: - YouTube videos from Western media - Which aren't even talking about the number you guys have been quoting So, please be ready to be similarly receptive when someone else uses such sources & claims that China is not all great on all fronts! & definitely your comment...
  6. K

    Xi’s Covid Retreat Shows China Masses They Have Real Power

    Not sure where you guys are getting your death figures for India from (don't tell me it's the same unsubstantiated western sources that you guys hate so much). If you are going with official Chinese govt. figures 30k deaths then it's 0.5M from Indian govt.
  7. K

    Protests erupt in Xinjiang and Beijing after deadly fire

    Vaccines don't offer absolute protection. Sinovac, for example, is said to prevent deaths & serious illness in 70% of the cases. Balance 30% is a huge population. Elderly in China represent a highly vulnerable group where vaccination rate is also low.
  8. K

    Protests erupt in Xinjiang and Beijing after deadly fire

    The best thing China can do from a competing nation's perspective is to continue with the Zero COVID policy. It essentially just delays the inevitable opening while prolonging the intermediate suffering. No vaccine can guarantee an 100% immunity at large scale. So, when everything opens up...
  9. K

    Wearing Hijab Not An Essential Religious Practice, Says Karnataka High Court

    This reminded me of old days! 🙂 I have been sent back from school for even having long hair, missing a belt, etc. Dress inspection used to be a stressful time. 😋IMHO students should be give an environment where they can focus on learning from teachers, each other, etc. The matters of religion...
  10. K

    Independence of Kashmir - Lt. Gen Amjad Shuaib

    I guess you can let this go. If the arguments are starting with "according to Pakistani narrative" & end with views instead of facts you can't expect to have a rational debate. Anyways, Kashmir issue is more or less settled. Both countries will keep what they got as no one can anyways afford a...
  11. K

    Independence of Kashmir - Lt. Gen Amjad Shuaib

    Any specific reason you didn't even do a basic wiki search before declaring that there's no instrument of accession? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrument_of_Accession_(Jammu_and_Kashmir) As far as plebiscite goes, it has been shared multiple times that one of the pre-conditions there is...
  12. K

    Indian MEA: China Took Our Territory. We Don't Accept It and We Protest Against it

    India isn't formed on religious & ethnic lines. India got its boundary issues along with its independence & that too specifically with China. With Pakistan it was essentially like the division of ancestral property between two brothers which is still not settled. With no other neighbour boundary...
  13. K

    Indian MEA: China Took Our Territory. We Don't Accept It and We Protest Against it

    Every country owes it origins to some period in history & that same history forms the perception of what that country's boundaries are. The way you relate your perception of China to a particular dynasty's conquest the same way India does it. Whether it was a king of the local origins or a...
  14. K

    Indian MEA: China Took Our Territory. We Don't Accept It and We Protest Against it

    There's a nuanced reasoning behind these statements arising from the fact that India lost this territory in 1959 & still considers its own; but reality is that it is on the Chinese side of the LAC. If interested you can go through this video.
  15. K

    DRDO SWIFT UCAV detailed design Model released, will eventually transform into DRDO Ghatak UCAV.

    Wow! The level of intellect needed for such a great comeback would be really awesome. I don't think I'm left with anything to say after this.
  16. K

    DRDO SWIFT UCAV detailed design Model released, will eventually transform into DRDO Ghatak UCAV.

    This is a technology demonstrator named Swift. Aa of now this program is far away from its goal of fielding a 13 tonnes strike aircraft (expected to go into production in 2030). Atleast try to understand the context before commenting.
  17. K

    Three killed, 15 injured in Quetta blast 5th Sep 2021

    We hear so much about the bravery of Pakistani army/air force, but still these attacks are so frequent. If India could take up attacks inside a nuclear armed country as an answer to attack on its soldiers, what is stopping Pakistani armed forces from co-ordinating with a friendly government &...
  18. K

    PLA official casualty numbers of the Gallwan valley clash released today on PLA Daily.

    Chinese logic: - When count of Chinese soldiers < enemy soldiers then normal logic applies & China suffers losses - When count of Chinese soldiers > enemy soldiers then no logic applies & China suffers zero losses while the enemy suffers 20 losses. Please decide if your soldiers are super human...
  19. K

    Russian Official: 45 PLA Servicemen Dead News by Tass Agency Was Based on "Unverified Indian Sources"

    Who's the so called 'boss' among these 3? Not able to get any details with a search. Searching Timur just gives a Twitter account which can be anybody's.
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