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  1. A

    It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

    You obviously have no Idea what you're going on about. During shah's time, Iran helped fund Israeli jercho missile program and Israeli's secretly offered Iran jericho WITH nukes. Put the link below into youtube link. /watch?v=-DIePfM1bjU
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    Iranian Sunnis to be executed for their religious beliefs

    Tiny statured Persian lol, Persian are number one in weigh lifting and wrestling and so many other strength sports. You Pakistanis are small,weak,starved people. And with regards to brain, Persians are much smarter than Pakistanis, who the hell are Pakistanis? What scientific contribution have...
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    India rejects Iranian demand for $1 mn

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    what ethnic group do people confuse you with?

    So many Pakistanis have inferiority complex. I am sure some people also mistake you for being a German. I lived here in the UK for years now I have never actually seen a 'fair' Pakistani. Stop disgracing yourself and be proud of who you are. There is nothing wrong with brown skin.
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    So now the Persian language copied words from Turkish :woot: If you go on any international stage and ask the question which language is more poetic,beautiful and important , Persian or Turkish, I wonder how many of them will pick Turkish :rolleyes: You keep reiterating my point. You're just...
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    Azaris are purely Iranic. Genetically and culturally. Have you noticed how these soviet raped aliyevis are scared of the word "genetic"? :lol: You're not even an Azari. Stop pretending to be Azari you pathetic person. You are suffering from Identity crisis. I wonder what some Persian did to...
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    According to this braindead moron soviet, if you can't speak his language then you're not azaris :lol: Somany azaris cannot speak that fake language anymore. Persian is my real language. In Iran, you an see very clearly how Azaris are less and less speaking the fake languages. We are more and...
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    Turks are Mongoloid people. Azaris are genetically and culturally completely different, Azaris are Iranic not mongolids. savavids were an Iranic dynasty and shah Ismail never call himself a Turk.
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    There is no Turk Iranian brother. Azaris are not Turks. We are Iranic people like Lurs and Parsi's. Aran is part of Iran and will return to it.
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    Iran to Teach High School Students How to Hunt Drones

    Serpentine Why have you deleted my comments? Yet you did not delete the comments from the trolls?
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    Can you prove it? if not then go back to licking aliyev's backside :) No such thing as Azeris,Persian,Lur in Iran. They are all Iranian and Iranic. Try getting that into your brainwashed braindead head.
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    ‘Iran now world’s sixth leading country in terms of missile capability’

    Iran can launch satallites into orbit and yet you rank Pakistan above Iran? What are you smoking? The List should be as follows: 1-Russia 2-USA 3-China 4-France 5-India/Israel 6-Iran 7-Northkorea You need to take into consideration all aspects of missile industry, such a space...
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    New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

    What a pathetic imbecile. There was no such thing as the "Republic of Azerbiajan" then, Azerbaijan belonged to Iran then. Of course he was a citizen of Iran.
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    Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

    Qaher-313 is NOT a fighter jet. It's just a small,cheap,stealth plane capable of flying very low altittude and is designed to attack bases and ships. You will not see an Iranian fighter jet until Iran develops a powerful jet engine and good radars systems.
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    Iran is world’s 15th leading scientific nation: Scopus ranking

    Iran/Eran is the name that was used since the time of the sassanian's. since 2000 years ago. Persian was simply another name used. Did you smoke bunch of meth before making that post?
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    Iran is world’s 15th leading scientific nation: Scopus ranking

    I am sorry to say this. But 15th is not very good. Iran/Persia which was responsible for most of the achievement of the golden age of Islam, should not be 15th. I hope in near future, Iran will be at least in top 8. EDIT: Also, ranking does not mean anything unless you apply you scientific...
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    Turkey’s Tentative Iranian Spring

    Turkey is no friend to Iran. Iranian need to remember history and not forget it. One thing I always liked about Iranians, is how they never forget. This is not something to be ashamed of. It's very wise. What Iran needs to do is increase relation with the west, but not let give them any...
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    Our Friends and our Enemies...

    Turan????? You do know that Turan is something the Persian guy ferdowsi used to describe central Asian Iranic people right? Did you smoke a bunch of meth before making that post? "Although the identification of the Turanian tribe with the Turks is a late development, since the term Turanian...
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    Iran's Siavash-5 / Nabi model assault rifle under trial tests

    How old is this picture guys? is it recent?
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    Malaysia bans Shias from promoting their faith

    Freedom of speech does not include such moronic and hateful speech.
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