First of all where were you when TSK bombed the shit out of regime forces? I have not seen you post a message about this once. As soon as things go a little different, you come here again with your scheisse propaganda and emotional abuse.
Just **** off man we dont need troublemakers like you.
Too many people talk nonsense here.
Put the cards on the table. Which cards does Turkey have, which cards does Russia, regime and Iran have?
Some people dont understand that Turkey cannot use its drones day in day out against rats that pop up like mushrooms after killing them. Also Russia keep...
SIHA'lar rejim askerlerini degil, CHP'yi bombaliyor galiba. Bu ne kin bu ne nefret? Boyle zor gunlerde devletin arkasinda durmak yerine kirli oyun ve iftiralarla fitne yaratmaya calisiyorsunuz.
Yaziklar olsun.