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  1. TehS4rge

    Chinese General: US should explain 2500 marines in Australia

    The US & Australian military has large training excursions in Australia every few years, there are hundreds of documents,images,blogs on the web. It's business as usual and I sure wish I could manage to get a tour there! Its no secret and hasn't been since WWII. Australia is an invaluable source...
  2. TehS4rge

    BlackWater Deployed in UAE(For the Greater Good of Cross+)

    From what I have read and heard Pakistan is still having serious logistical problems even with basic maintenance needs.But I think it would be fascinating to watch a countries military grow. Look at China for example! They went from unorganized shambles after WWII to a very powerful nation but...
  3. TehS4rge

    BlackWater Deployed in UAE(For the Greater Good of Cross+)

    I worked for BlackWater and I sure miss those paychecks, but I dont miss the op zones.
  4. TehS4rge

    Japan will Have Invisible Aircraft by 2016

    We will never know...It will be invisible lol
  5. TehS4rge

    Japan will Have Invisible Aircraft by 2016

    The Japanese are amazing engineers when it comes to tech.
  6. TehS4rge

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Damn Christmas songs!! My wife plays them non stop until New years, I have thoughts of killing every reindeer on Earth every December.
  7. TehS4rge

    Remains of 274 US troops dumped in landfill: report

    Man this pissed me off so bad I called and talked with the OIC. I have a lot of friends that never came home, and their widows called me and told me about this. Stupid mistake
  8. TehS4rge

    Video Gamers report in!

    BF3 PC and PS3....Anyone care to get their *** kicked? lol MVP 113 times!!!
  9. TehS4rge

    G36 ??

    That would be an excellent decision, I am a huge fan of the 1911 That said FN P40 does the job nicely! I have carried both the 1911 and the M-9 during operations so i could not offer any insight on the P-38 beside reputation and word of mouth.
  10. TehS4rge

    G36 ??

    I am still trying to find it on Google, by the way I couldn't send you my address. I was limited by a post # restriction. Options?
  11. TehS4rge

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    I think it is actually some material like the piece on a remote control for your TV or surround sound receiver, so IR beams or some other signal can be received.
  12. TehS4rge

    Peace time arial incidents during the COLD WAR

    Great story man...Thanks!
  13. TehS4rge

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    On second thought I think that might be close. If you use the officers in the photo and consider their height at a meter 20 or more is quite possible. As far as the Chinese interests go, they likely have some of this tech already. It has been in action for a few years and they have outstanding...
  14. TehS4rge

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    26 meters? No way...maybe 14-16
  15. TehS4rge

    Pakistan has developed smartest nuclear tactical devices

    I agree with you on the little nukes, crazy!!
  16. TehS4rge

    Who Want Marry Veena Malik ?

    She is stunning! I wouldn't:smitten: kick her out of bed!!
  17. TehS4rge

    Do Pakistanis like America?

    I fish and shoot with a Pakistani that lives in my town, he owns a carwash here. We just fish and talk about the new rifle we want or how spoiled our kids are. I know he has a lot of family living here in the states, and I try to stop by when his mother is in town. Some of the best cooking on...
  18. TehS4rge

    Have you ever seen a celebrity in real life ?

    I just met William Shatner a few weeks ago, I must admit I am a huge Trek fan. He was pretty cool, but much shorter than I imagined.
  19. TehS4rge

    standard issue rifles around the world

    The M1A1 is an amazing rifle!Very accurate and a favorite in my collection over my Bushmaster m-4 or my Colt.
  20. TehS4rge

    G36 ??

    I thought I found an image on Google of Pak SOG with G36 rifles, Does Pakistan use Nato calibres?
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