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    Russia to supply Sukhoi Superjet 100 to Vietnam

    I'm afraid Putin has to start beg for China now. The longer the conflict goes, the longer China keeps benefiting.
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    Human rights are being broken since 1949, like Vietnam. And nothing happened.
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    US and China have already married. Sanction China doesn't benefit U.S. at all.
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    Why NATO is a weak alliance

    All right:)
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    Why NATO is a weak alliance

    Yes, I didn't say Warsaw pact don't have conflicts. I said NATO had internal conflict. Please refer to my post before immediately being sensitive.
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    Will Vietnam become a democratic country. Since you wants democracy, why not learn HongKong and do something similar?
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    China Taiwan Province (ROC): News, Discussions & Images

    U.S. dominate the election of Tawai, not Taiwan people. Without U.s., DPP already won in 2012.
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    Why NATO is a weak alliance

    They also had internal conflict, i.e., Turkey vs Greece
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    How Japan getting caught in the dilemma between the US/Russia conflict

    China-Russia relation is also heavily studied. The only conclusion is history is a circle, don't put eggs in one basket and always leave one more option. The U.S. is good at this too, always leaving one more option.
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    How Japan getting caught in the dilemma between the US/Russia conflict

    There are two schools of intellectuals in China. One school blames the U.S. for helping Japan contain China. The other school think the U.S. kept japan under leash for more than 60 yrs. Without the U.S., CJK will be in a mess. In my understanding, the ratio is around 7:3. The U.S. achieved two...
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    How Japan getting caught in the dilemma between the US/Russia conflict

    It at least shows being an ally of the U.S. is not free. You have to lose something as an exchange.
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    Diaoyu island? Acco Can you comment on Abe visiting yasukuni shrine? Is that considered militant worshiping war criminals? You are so funny. Even your PM went to worship war criminals.
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    All right. Then China do not want Japan-US ally to contain China either. Let confrontation continues. “斗而不破” is a good strategy for now.
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    I think China has. Trading between China and India is 60B last year? How much with Pakistan? I think much lower.
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    No one? 60% and up of U.S. military is in pacific. And rebalancing is happening. That's not restricting. Why Japan keeps so many anti-submarine aircraft? They are targeting whom?
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    There are two schools of people in China. One group blames the U.S. to help Japan to contain China. The other group thanks the U.S. has suppressed Japan for 60 years. Both school are partially right. Without U.S. occupying Japan, I can't imagine what East Asia looks like now. Maybe WW3 is...
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    Haha, finally, you start to call your American father to help you. Why? Because you are weak. When two kids in school have a fight, the weaker one always looks for teachers or parents for help. I know more than 50 Indians. Not a single one talk like you. When we talk a borderline issues, we...
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    China's Choice: India or Pakistan?

    No, mighty India will defeat the whole Universe. Why not send millions of troops to have a try? I would like to see it.
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