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  1. opinion786

    A very nice picture of Jinnah and his sister!

    A very nice picture of Jinnah and his sister!
  2. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Excellent analysis! Further to add to what you wrote .... Musharraf had planned to open up since November 2006, Nine Engineering World Class Science and Technology Federal Universities by 2008 with foreign assistance & HEC. The institutions of higher learning were to be established in...
  3. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Don't call him shortcut Aziz! :tsk: I come here just to defend Musharraf and Shortcut :bounce: Kick out the MPA's but not the Nazim!
  4. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    I agree that we shouldn't seek FDI and that it automatically follows. My point all along that we should protect our Reserves. That's what I was insisting on. I thought you were saying that FDI is not worth our economy, and hence i was explaining to you that foreign investment is not bad. Its...
  5. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Maybe I did not understand your point. But, I was just trying to make you see is that FDI or foreign investment is not bad. Repatriation of 'profits' is not foreign investment going back. Its RESULT of foreign investment INVESTED and PRODUCING results. On which they also give corporate tax...
  6. opinion786

    RAW's objectives

    Both the agencies ISI and RAW are doing their described & required jobs, like any other international agency i.e CIA, Mossad, MI5, KGB, etc.... that is to protect their National Interest! The capability of these agencies should be judged if they are able to save themselves from the other's...
  7. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Actually, its not the cash of FDI that contributes. FDI in the last eight years have been around $18 billion. But our economy grew by above $100 billion. Its only when that cash is invested and projects roll on, and they start giving returns that actually helps the economy. In 2006-07, the...
  8. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    No Jana, FDI are not just cash sitting idle waiting to be withdrawn. Cash that has been invested or project started cannot be withdrawn easily. When a foreign investor comes to your country...first he transfers an amount to your country... then construction or business moves forward. The...
  9. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Thanks! Yes, Pakistan is the second/thid largest country in world to promote CNG. The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) sector of Pakistan has attracted over Rs 70 billion investments during the last five years as a result of liberal and encouraging policies of the government. Presently, some...
  10. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    FDI or foreign investment just doesn't bring in the capital. Its brings with it Management, Project development techniques, Technology, develop Human Resouces, implement Quality & Safety standards and Trains local pakistanis. Pakistan is sufficient in Gas, Coal and Gold. But, we DO NOT have...
  11. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Read my post again to understand what I wrote. I gave you example of booming economy of India: Exports - $ 125 billion Imports - $ 188 billion Deficit - $ 63 billion Public debt - $ 132 billion But, Reserves - $308 billion (this exceeds the debt + deficit) so India remains on the safe...
  12. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    I have the figures but I'll keep them for now. I'm sure with so many figures that I qouted above ... be sure I'm not twisting. I know figures by heart. I'm not presenting you part of picture. The whole idea of ANY economy is built upon TRUST & CONFIDENCE & POLICY FORMING ! Shaukat Aziz &...
  13. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    EVERYTHING ???? How much billions? How much percent is that of our trade deficit? Why don't you bring FIGURES ... instead of assuming that billions in forex are lost by importing cell phones? Cell phones import are around $1.1 billion and trade deficit $20.74 billion. It arises to ONLY 5.3%
  14. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    You should answer these to justify your stand. He was correct. You present and we'll explain then. I have the figures!
  15. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Your analysis are confused enough! Trade deficit is never a problem. It BECOMES one if your macro-economic indicators witness an imbalance. Take India, Exports - $125 billion Imports - $188 billion Deficit - $63 billion Public debt - $132 billion But, their Reserves $ 308 billion...
  16. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    Musharraf increased our education spending to 4% of GDP and our literacy rate INCEASED from 45% in 1999 to 53% in 2007. We had around 31 Public Universities and Musharraf increased them to above 50 Public Universities. Private Universities are uncountable! Productivity increased and hence...
  17. opinion786

    Is Pakistan facing bankruptcy?

    First of all, the crap allegations you pasted below are NOT supported by ANY figures. It has rendered your post into a meaningless bias indicating clueless conclusions. NO FIGURES !!! Oh yeah? How much BILLIONS per year? Do you have any calculations? In 2006-07, Import Bill went to Oil &...
  18. opinion786

    No more Martial Law Please

    Its equally amazing, how concerned some ppl on this forum are to see democracy in pak. So now you understand what democracy is?
  19. opinion786

    Candid Zardari accepts J&K militants are terrorists

    Great points AM! :) As you've said it completely ... I'll save my two cents.
  20. opinion786

    Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

    Yes, she headed the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) as Director General. She's always been neutral and many times has criticized President Musharraf also. She has an opinion just like any other well known analyst and a deep insight on affairs with much more authentic intelligence.
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