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  1. opinion786

    Why Musharraf Is a Safer Bet for Pakistan

    Araz bro, Our history tells us.... you throw a corrupt in jail for his crime & plunder.... once he gets released from jail.....he emerges as a hero! They proudly claim that they have seen jail! People forget the crimes and the past.... look at Zardari now.... who voted for him..... 10 million...
  2. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    Karachi has really re-emerged and all major problems (except electricity) has been solved: I have seen that all major inter colleges have increased their departments & new buildings being erected, premises extended. 36 model schools have beeb established, two in each town, at a cost of...
  3. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    I agree with Salman, Karachi has really changed under the current city nazim Mustafa Kamal. And, i gve full credit to musharraf for changing MQM's attitute and the make-over. I see KHI today as well-built and modern as Singapore and better than malaysia. Yes, shortcomings in greenery and...
  4. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    Once upon a time.... the same was said for Nawaz and Benazir.... and they're hugging each other now! :cheesy:
  5. opinion786

    Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause

    I've been living in Saudia and Dubai all my childhood,and for the first time in 40 years i have seen INFLATION in Middle east. Here in Saudia the rents have gone up by 20% and in Dubai by 60%; eatable all have increased 40% to 50% and some even 100%. Simple electronic items have gone up by...
  6. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    Well I also admit that under the City Nazim, KHI has really progressed. I see it resembling more like Singapore.... only little short of cleanliness.... though its much better.... KHI has joined the list of modern cities.... and Yes, i know many Jamiats and anti-MQM people who voted this time...
  7. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    Actually its also the other way round. In Punjab the seats are as follows: PML-N 102 seats PPP 80 seats PML-Q 66 seats If PPP and PML-Q unite in Punjab, they get simple majority of 146 seats, leaving Nawaz only 102 seats. Therefore, nawaz needs PPP more than PPP needs Nawaz in centre...
  8. opinion786

    Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause

    This is the same Aitzaz who was expelled from Tehreek-e-Istaqlal by his party on December 16, 1985 on the charges of self-promotion and self-projection. This is the same politician who appointed 20 workers of his party asjudges when he was Federal Minister for Law. Those judges were later...
  9. opinion786

    Why Musharraf Is a Safer Bet for Pakistan

    Musharraf also DESPISES Benazir, Zardari and Nawaz. He knows they are corrupt and immoral..... But what could anyone do of the 10 million votes that were cast in favor of PPP? And, the 6.6 million that were cast in favor of nawaz? I'm relieved that atleast PML-Q got ONE MILLION votes MORE...
  10. opinion786

    US threatened and cajoled Pakistan in run-up to Iraq invasion

    Actually we all have to understand the Geo-politics, before we jump to conclusions. As much as I also condemn American aggression against Afgahnistan & Iraq, they were bound to happen, using one excuse or other. USA fought the Afghanistan war, to take control of the Caspian Sea Oil & Gas...
  11. opinion786

    Nawaz warns US of 'war on terror' review

    dear brother, Since you are an indonesian, therefore you are unaware of ground realities of Pakistan. It is not Musharraf that is killing muslims.... it is the extremists and fanatics who are killing muslims all over in Pak, in name of religion..... Musharraf only has to safe-guard his...
  12. opinion786

    Nawaz warns US of 'war on terror' review

    Let me assure you all once again that all these politicians are lying....privately inside the meeting rooms with Negroponte and Boucher they say that 'we'll continue this war and pls keep giving us aid', but outside in front of the media they all lie. Where was the parliament when in Nawaz's...
  13. opinion786

    Whose War?

    The media has projected our standing on WoT in a wrong way. They present it as if we're fighting a US or foreign war against our own citizens. That's not the case. It's true Musharraf was forced to think about this war in 2001, but he wasn't asked much (logistics support & withdrawing support...
  14. opinion786

    Nawaz warns US of 'war on terror' review

    Actually nawaz is lying again... if he's taking that stand.... it's just because he's got nothing to lose! I remember Aimal Kansi being taken off in USA plane from PAK, in Nawaz era and nobody knew.... The media has projected our standing on WoT in a wrong way. They present it as if we're...
  15. opinion786

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    Economics in nutshell: • 9 world class Engineering universities being developed and 18 Public universities already developed. • Private sector institutions have increased from 36,096 (in 1999) to become 81,103 (in 2006). • PAK is 3rd best in world Banking profitability. • PAK IT...
  16. opinion786

    MNCs to invest $30 billion in diverse sectors: advisor

    Just to mention few MNC's and their projects: 1- Dubai Ports World announced on 1 June 2006, that it will spend $10 billion. 2- UAE has received approval from Pakistan's government to build a $5 billion UAE Oil refinery at Hub in Baluchistan. The refinery, which will be Pakistan's biggest...
  17. opinion786

    Pakistan will be a trade hub, says Musharraf

    International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing Written by Afreen Baig Pakistan First : International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing When President Musharraf took over, Pakistan was on the verge of default and bankruptcy, with less than a billion dollars in its...
  18. opinion786

    Why Musharraf Is a Safer Bet for Pakistan

    A misperception persists within some critics that attribute completely the turning around of Pakistan’s economy to: US aid or 9/11. Therefore, let it be clarified that major economic indicators had improved before 9/11, and the economy had already started showing signs of recovery and...
  19. opinion786

    Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause

    Lawyers betraying Aitzaz by attending PCO courts http://www.ahmedquraishi.com/article_detail.php?id=246 Aitzaz Ahsan has once again tried to fool the whole nation by stating that only six lawyers are appearing in Court proceedings before PCO Judges. He made these remarks in a live...
  20. opinion786

    Iftikhar says judges will cautiously pursue their cause

    A TRUE STORY ABOUT AITZAZ and ASMA JEHANGIR Ahmed Quraishi.com Aitzaz Ahsan ,a 'Pakistani' politician in the garb of a lawyer has started making mockery of the system. By demanding restoration of Judiciary by an executive order, he has started showing signs of desperation. His Indian...
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