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  1. L

    S. Korea shows her true color

    Unlike the AC, those missiles are hardly can consider an offence, if China don't create a move against SK using AC, those missiles will rust in their silos, keep it easy guys.
  2. L

    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    Yeah, that make sense. Always think Putin is a sith lord :victory:
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    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    China attacked you in land, and you have a long embrago from the UN. The Cambodia at that time is tyranny beyond question. You attacked Thailand, by border crash ? Time are different then, like you can drive the US out, and still accept the fate of Paracel islands, until now. Your strategy even...
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    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    oh oh, you tried to attack the whole world in order to put some hurt into china, you sink a Panama ship and it'd end bad. Six sub vs Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, US, UK, France... give me a break, however you can try, I really want to see you try. Your strategy is so fun :) By the way, how...
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    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    How can you identify China ship and other country ships ? while only 20% of them have China flag ? using solar or Radar to identify the flag :D And, attack a civilian ship in international water, or EEZ where international law rule all ships have the right to navigation , well, that's what we...
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    Defense Ministry says PLA's operation in south China routine drill

    By looking about the friendship of cambodian and vietnamese, I think China should arm the cambodian, heavily. Come on Cambodia spirit, relax, I suggest we all gonna drink heavily, that's help.:cheesy:
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    US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

    _Cambodian Spirit: It's regretly plain that those Viets use mocking tactic and in fact don't try to add anything to the chinese defence forum -how can they know anyhow- , how about create some nice place for them and leave them there ? after all, they only want some attention ......... And well...
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    US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

    Something wrong with those VNese, you posting everywhere in those way like taunting everyone that don't share your point of view -or maybe only my feeling-, truly surprise if those aren't still in early 20, maybe even younger. China can "prove" yes, but what point for individuals here to prove...
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