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  1. M

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    We had balls, We targeted your General Headquarters in Rawalpindi We had balls, We targeted your aircraft in PNS Mehran in karachi We had balls, We are supporting TTP.
  2. M

    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    Every one knows how your army defeated TTP in orakzai and Kurram agency, so called your SSG commandos entered there only to get beheaded. I was shocked when i came yesterday because there was a title Fighter Jets pound militant hideouts in orakzai, It seems again a operation has started to...
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    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    Every one knows who is barking? Some dogs bark at kashmir Some dogs bark at Drones Some dogs bark after Apache helicopters.
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    Growing hostility in Colombo: New Delhi’s new challenge

    Stop your non sense quotes, Tamil Nadu is not going to move out of Indian Union.
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    ‘Indian media bluffs’ – Sri Lanka

    Srilanka has did the Right thing by Rejecting Tamil Nadu politicians calls to reduce military presence in Northern Part, Srilanka must not allow LTTE to re group at any cost, Because LTTE is such a ruthless terroist organization, In my opinion Srilanka has to provide equal rights to Tamil...
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    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    Pakistan warns to shot down intruding US drones | The Nation BBC News - Pakistan warns US over unilateral military action One more example to show our honourable friend mr. REHAN NIZAI Falcon who is a barking dog. Certainly India is also conducting covert operations in Pakistan. Quote...
  7. M

    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    who is a barking dog? Ya the certainly not, The dog has showed its face in form of PNS Mehran attack, General head quarters attacks. Now i would like to quote a few examples of Barking dogs
  8. M

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Point 5353 was never occupied by India, Indian army chief has clarified it many times, Saltro ridge is under India's control. I very well know siachen is very much haunting you.
  9. M

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Our army chief has clarified that Point 5353 was never occupied by India.
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    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    what post did you capture? Point 5353? rediff.com: The Rediff Interview/ General Ved Prakash Malik (retd) Another interesting fact how Pakistan army leadership disowned their soldiers, an account from a PAF Pilot. Aeronaut: Kargil Conflict and Pakistan Air Force Still Siachen...
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    ISI Chief to tell CIA Director Petraeus: End drone strikes, give us target

    David Petraeus served as a commander for US forces in Afghanistan , He very well knows what pakistan will do and What paksitan will not do?
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    Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

    First catch Hakimullah Meshud or Waliur Rahman Meshud.
  13. M

    Pakistan, India must jointly market mangoes abroad

    Super reply i really like it ma.
  14. M

    ALJAZEERA reporting about most want Pak taliban leaders hiding in Afghan..

    Yes they are living there, Haqqani Network, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur faction , Mullah Nazir continues to live freely in North Waziristan, Where as a lot of arabs are also living in North Waziristan? They are not targeted by Pakistan Airforce, Pakistan army, SSG commandos, Frontier corps.
  15. M

    US House votes to cut USD 650mn in military aid to Pak

    Both the Countries need each other, Pakistan desperately needs $$$ and US needs a supply route and airbases to target militants. US is still not satisfied with Pakistan. As our Senior Member Imran Bhai Indicated Pakistan Military wont be affected because it has a number of business inside...
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    US accepts India's request for supplying 6 more C-130J planes

    Good News! Airlift capacity of the Indian Air force Increases, Totally 12 C-130J, Long live Indo - US Friend ship. Om America Jai America.
  17. M

    Pakistan Army paper reveals terrorist safe havens in Afghanistan supported

    person with False Flag. Yes you are right, We must also use RAW to a great extent.
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    US military close to developing hypersonic bombers

    Om America Jai America
  19. M

    Afghan aggression in Pakistan

    I agree with the bold part of your points, It is true, US should not have ignored advice from senior commanders such as Anthony zini (dont know his full name but zini will be the end of his name). NO WMD was there in Iraq. Immediately American members would say saddam was dictator, We would...
  20. M

    Why do Pakistanis defend Arabs/Iranians?

    Those people who are living under US charity need not bother about us. Comedy of the year 2011. Any drone that enters into Pakistan airspace will be shot down. Comedy of the year 2012. above paragraph which i have quoted.
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