So you mean that it is justified to kill innocent people in the name of fighting insugency? Then what is the difference between police and militants?
Militancy in Punjab stopped coz Congress knew they would come into power if elections are held and they knew other parties will bycot. If you...
So you mean to say he had no 'know-how' about extra-judicial killings done by his juniors? If that is true then hes not a good leader as you say. Police was under his leadership and did commit excesses and there is no excuse for that. About his abilities as counter teroorism expert... i doubt...
Don't think making him home minister would be a good idea. He will for sure slaughter all the human rights activists out there. We have seen that in Punjab during his term.
Reports coming in that probable there were two shooters on the island. Several witnesses reported about second shooter and police have started looking into it.
Nothing is confirmed yet.So please don't jump to any conclusions. As per Prime Minister they don't know anything other than shooter is Norwegian and various groups will try to take responsiblity to get cheap publicity.Police is talking to reporters as i write and they dont have any motive yet...