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  1. W

    China needs to be transparent in defence issues: USA

    we pretty much are :toast_sign: I love selling iron ore to you guys at a raised prize :cheers:
  2. W

    China needs to be transparent in defence issues: USA

    1. ROFL typical. One question: If US has a airforce capable of making the lake of Iraq (just a term, not meant to be offensive), why don't they just do that? Why bother risking their soldier's lives fighting building by building in a counterinsurgency? Why not just carpet bomb Iraq? OH right...
  3. W

    China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

    I think you miss my point. I am saying there is no need for censorship if your system works so great. THere would be no need to name China: the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of China if your system is the best. I mean if Western democratic value is completely screwed up, isn't it better to keep out the...
  4. W

    China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

    Great... the 9 people must have some type of political arrangement with the 9 before...avg. chinese don't even stand a chance to be the 9. I am standing on the side of the avg. chinese btw
  5. W

    China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

    You do know the Taiwanese government (ROC) possess a lot more Chinese history books than the PROC. Hmm wonder why..
  6. W

    Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    O right. So you are blaming everything on the fact that britain once rule India. Are you telling people to blame their parents for their low IQ? Conquest has been part of humanity for ages. One of the main reason for the Neanderthal to become extinct was that the Homo sapiens (modern human)...
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    Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    LOL, you do know that the censorship problem in Australia is mainly due to privacy issues :tongue:
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    Sending a Message Straight to the People of China

    1. nobel peace prize didnt start during the cold war 2. a person that is better than another has right to deserve more. when you beat someone in a test, do you want to share some of your marks with them? It's how human nature and society works
  9. W

    China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

    China is not communist lol. It is one party ruled. Similar to a dictatorship but instead of one person being in control, a group of people are in control.
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    China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

    China has the elite class (maybe currently around 200 million) that's better than India. I don't know about the rest (you guys do have 1.2 billion people). Furthermore, I don't get your idea of how the Westerners are brainwashed when China is censoring the information. I mean you guys can say...
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    Sending a Message Straight to the People of China

    err that's my point...lol....Liu gets killed but someone like challenger doesnt....because he lives in the state :tup:
  12. W

    China needs to be transparent in defence issues: USA

    With US being the number 1 power and not attacking China (because it can could if it wants to), I see no reason why the Chinese have to develop so much military asset anyway. If it does randomly attack China for no reason, the value of US democracy/constitutions and any other things they have...
  13. W

    Long March: China’s fifth-generation fighter is years away

    F-35 is multi-nation because of all the funds donated by each countries and the little countries each countries pitch in. Isn't the T-50 pretty much Russian technology funded nearly 100% by Indians?
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    Long March: China’s fifth-generation fighter is years away

    I believe the paper meant that India is currently collaborating with Russia on the T-50 project. That's why they put India in there.
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    Sending a Message Straight to the People of China

    I am pretty sure Challenger, your parents are not enemy of the CPP. Your ways of dealing with activist is really disappointing. If US acted in a similar way to China, I am pretty sure you would've locked up (just like Liu in China). You should be happy that you get to express your opinion...
  16. W


    A lot of these reports are not even true Seriously, when I first heard of the J-10 was going to be a pretty neat plane with all the forums and posters like you talking about its spec. Then I heard recently that they can't even design their own engine properly...
  17. W

    Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    Talk about dignity? Why don't the CCP government everyone equal chance to express their dignity. I am pretty sure that's BS
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