not much to be favourable about.
india still has absolute poverty like most african nations.
absolute poverty is people dont have food or water. they just exist on this planet.
comparing india to china lacks basic understanding of economics.
china has poverty, but not absolute poverty...
lol china is doing great when foreigners are jealous of china's progress.
amount of jealousy is a good indication if china is succeeding or not.
go china go
never ever trust a westerner.
westerners are all wolves dressed in sheeps clothing.
they all want to see china fail and collapse.
if u think any westerner has the best interests of china, then u are delusional.
China is currently developing kinetic-energy weapons, high-powered lasers, high-powered microwave weapons, particle-beam weapons, and electromagnetic pulse weapons.
anyone trying to pick a fight with china is signing their own death certificate.
china's rise to superpower status in terms...
some brilliant points made.
i especially like ur point about the indian service sector being such a large part of its economy relative to its development stage.
service sector is a wealth CONSUMING industry such as retail, financials, etc.
manufacturing is a wealth PRODUCING industry...
indian budget deficits are close to 10%.
indian debt to gdp is close to 60%.
indian growth is debt based consumption. in 5 years indian debt to gdp will be 100%. when u reach that level, ur economy slows due to too much debt weighing on the economy. india is piling up debt in enormous...
3rd within 15 years? lol not a chance.
make that close to 50 years.
india will get a debt crisis like greece pretty soon the way u have run up ur debt. ur deficits are high and ur debt to gdp is very high.
indian economy is built on debt based consumption. the same ponzi scheme greece...
very true.
western power is definitely waning after the global financial crisis and now the sovereign debt crisis.
china is rising very fast and this decade will cause the biggest global power shift in 500 years.
Defence cuts will leave China as the world's policeman, warns Nato chief -...
The media has already had the concensus to drag India along whenever China is mentioined.
The public like to draw India into the picture whenever Chinese story arise or vice versa is not because they want to but because of the recent years of media influence by the US media with the objective...
i knew clinton will talk more about china during her visit to india than india itself.
the west just uses india as a counterweight to china.
the west dont really care about india, they just use india as a puppet state to counter china.
even the british prime minister did this, they all know...
the media already drags india along whenever china is mentioned.
when u look at facts, china is decades ahead of india in pretty much every industry.
just because india has a billion people, people automatically drag india along in a china discussion.
india is close to china only in...