Calling India a country is like calling Africa a country. India is union of many different states that are glued together by force. It's like Africa as a continent wanting to be a single country by uniting all African states. India will break up eventually as poor people get richer they will...
Chinese domestic market is definitely bigger than the Indian market. India is a bigger exporter since they have a smaller domestic market but our IT companies serve our own market.
Indian economy is a debt fuelled bubble that has burst with the Rupee collapsing. India will average around 2-3% growth over the next decade until the Indian economy has deleveraged. India has no manufacturing industry to export to have trade surpluses. Their economy has been running on debt for...
It's impossible for the US to cancel its debt to us because then no one will lend America money in the future. We certainly won't buy their debt to continue their QE policies and fund their $1 trillion budget deficits. Without us, the entire American economy collapses.
Our exports to the US...