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  1. Altaf Bhai

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    Just scroll back few pages and look for yourself who is making racist comments.
  2. Altaf Bhai

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    I am talking about killings by police. Show me one instance. Londonistan police must be commended for showing this much restraint.
  3. Altaf Bhai

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    Please dont make derogatory and unsubstantiated comments about mass leader like Altaf Bhai Londonwale.
  4. Altaf Bhai

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    Re read my Post. I said no one has been killed so far and the riots are civilised to that extent. Whereas you blatantly lie about the so called "deaths". So it is very clear who is sitting in a hole and who is more updated on the situation. lol :lol:
  5. Altaf Bhai

    India’s ‘Dhruv’ Helicopter falls under the Scanner as Ecuador Expresses ...

    That defence site just pasted what was originally reported by APP Pakistan "Associated press of pakistan". It was posted on that site (defencenow.com) based upon APP report, just like it is now posted on this site (defence.pk) and we are discussing the same. Use your head just a bit
  6. Altaf Bhai

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    Initially I thought it could be work of UK terrorists trained in camps at fata but then I changed my mind after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised as no one has been killed..
  7. Altaf Bhai

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    Londonistan is burning like hell.
  8. Altaf Bhai

    Suggestion to Moderators

    Sir whats my fault? Isnt it like name of a girl or a small child? Anyone can be mistaken.
  9. Altaf Bhai

    Suggestion to Moderators

    Elmo is a lady? hmmm I am new. For once I though Taimi Khan is a lady. :cry:
  10. Altaf Bhai

    Suggestion to Moderators

    Suggestion 2:- We should have a lady moderator.
  11. Altaf Bhai

    NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

    US is seriously gonna fcuk up the whole affpak region.
  12. Altaf Bhai

    NATO copter downed; Navy SEALs among the 30 U.S. dead

    US bars media from covering return of 30 dead soldiers killed in Afganistan
  13. Altaf Bhai

    Pak astronaut flies abroad Chinese spacecraft is our natural aspiration

    If 40 Years down the line, Pakistan maintains "relation of trust and confidence" with African nations, they will be aspiring to send an astronaut aboard a Nigerian spacecraft. Never their own. :lol:
  14. Altaf Bhai

    Pakistani pilot writes after 46 years to daughter of Indian pilot he shot d

    Jagan Is Webmaster of Bharat-Rakshak (dot) com
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