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  1. Americandissident

    Belgian police use water cannon to disperse ‘anti-Semitic hate fest’

    They need to come up with a better gesture. lol. On a side-note, that's not very democratic of them to block people from participating in something.
  2. Americandissident

    Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision ‘clear’: USAF general

    I wonder who this general will be working for when he retires? :azn: Revolving door anyone??
  3. Americandissident

    Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

    Ukrainians didn't choose shit. A small group of them which was probably paid by the west, overthrew the elected govt and installed a western leaning govt. Not much better if you ask me.
  4. Americandissident

    Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security'

    When will our govt stop stirring the pot? The constant warmongering is getting fcking old and is making the majority of us look bad to other countries. Maybe when a third party comes into office bullshit like this wont happen.
  5. Americandissident

    Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

    Can you stop trolling/spamming the thread? Your making us Americans look like retards.
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