Oh wow, I didn't know he was into politics. Funny how people can bash him when he's just stating facts. But then again most of my fellow Americans are brainwashed political wise.
I felt it best represented how I feel about my govt lol. After I stopped watching TV news and really started reading into my governments corruption, warmongering, and misrepresentation of the majority of Americans is when I became a dissident.
Very plausible, and didn't the money go missing the day before the attacks or something like that? Something also interesting is on youtube where the inspector general for the Federal Reserve has no idea where trillions of dollars has gone while being questioned by congress. Gotta love our...
Doesn't look like a very credible news source but it would be very interesting if Putin did lay out some evidence as I have found a lot of people here in the U.S have doubts in the official story, especially the pentagon attack and WTC7.
Still praying for a revolution to retake our goverment from these corporate and foreign sponsored "representatives" who run our goverment and have it replaced with direct democracy. But i doubt that will ever happen in my lifetime. :sick: