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  1. L

    Featured India lies about casualties in border clash with China

    So the Chinese didn’t honour their dead soldiers publicly and buried them thousands of miles away in a frozen desert to drive Indians crazy. I’ll have to give it to the high IQ comrades of CPC for such strategic thinking. And these small time crook mentality Indians accepted their martyrs and...
  2. L

    Featured India lies about casualties in border clash with China

    Whats even more shameful is that their sacrifice was not even acknowledged by the Communist Party regime leave alone giving them military honours and state funeral. Who apart from CPC paid trolls and their sweeter than honey friends would believe that in a brawl involving hundreds of soldiers...
  3. L

    Featured India lies about casualties in border clash with China

    I thought the ‘score’ was 20-0 as per @Beast. All this while Chini brothers were confidently claiming there were no casuality of Han soldiers. The well fed superior Han soldiers could not die at the hands of rice eating Indians. Why this sudden confession of Chinese casualties by the govt...
  4. L

    Violent clashes erupts in Indian Punjab, many feared dead, News and updates thread.

    Good. No one will mind a few less idiots. Fuckers who support and arson for the rapist murdurer gunda deserve such treatment.
  5. L

    Pakistan beats Indian 12-0 in Gothia Cup, China.

    This academy is not even affiliated to Indian football federation AIFF. I enquired with my football enthusiast friends and no one has ever heard of it. They are just some random group of wealthy kids who are on a paid foreign tour passed of as a sports event. Although Indian football is in...
  6. L

    India's Uncompromising Stand Against China in the Himalayas Is Backed Up With Hard Power

    India is already messing at the Chinese border for than a month and your big brother can't do anything about it other than blabbering through their state control media.
  7. L

    India's Uncompromising Stand Against China in the Himalayas Is Backed Up With Hard Power

    Do you think they'll place Hans on the frontline? It's the Tibetans and uyghurs who would be used as cannon fodder with Hans following from behind the first line of defence. A few Tibetans and uyghurs dead won't matter to the CPC. It's the Han blood which is thicker than the rest and in any...
  8. L

    Doklam standoff day 50: China says military action against India in 2 weeks

    There's a world outside the Middle Kingdom. Besides your tallel deepal flend, no one buys your peaceful rise bs. You are used to bullying smaller ASEAN neighbors and thought you could intimidate India with your hollow warnings but now you have pushed yourself to the corner and can't do anything...
  9. L

    Han Chinese nose rubbed by Indian in boxing, will China leave doklam?

    I'm talking about last few rounds when Vijender looked fatigued and his younger rival took advantage. Plus Zulfikar lost some points on foul too which cost him the bout. He was definitely the best of all the previous boxers Vijender had fought. If you look overall then it was a close mactch...
  10. L

    Han Chinese nose rubbed by Indian in boxing, will China leave doklam?

    The Chinese fought valiantly and actually had the upper hand in the last few bouts when Vijender clearly ran out of steam. But Vijender made a solid start and took the lead in the initial rounds and managed to hold on in the last rounds. Add to that couple of fouls made by the Chinese cost him...
  11. L

    Doklam standoff day 50: China says military action against India in 2 weeks

    It's China who has launched verbal invasion on India. Don't you think Chinese are lowering their credibility with every warning issued followed by no action on ground. Further, its India which is inside the Chinese territory as per the Chinese. So it's the Chinese who have to take the initiative...
  12. L

    China mulling 'small scale military ops' against India: Media :

    It's the Chinese doing all the talking while India is sitting back and enjoying. Stop being an idiot for once.
  13. L

    Doklam on the ground: Weak Chinese

    You should be asking this question for Hans. Jats are mostly Hindu btw.
  14. L

    Lucknow boy’s Pakistani bride-to-be finally gets visa

    http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/lucknow-boys-pakistani-bride-to-be-finally-gets-visa/articleshow/59850929.cms LUCKNOW: With her visa finally in hand and her bags all packed, no fence on the border will stop Sadia (25), resident of Karachi, Pakistan, from coming to India to marry...
  15. L

    Amid Doklam Standoff, Chinese President Says Can Beat 'Invading Enemies'

    Instead of the PLA, China has unleashed the 50 cent army on India.
  16. L

    Chinese Warning ministry warns India of Kashmir's intrusion on Pakistan's behalf

    Feeling sad about the Pakistanis who were more charged up than the Chinese about PLA doing some action. They have been betrayed by the big brother. All the warnings turned out to be hot air.
  17. L

    Britain plans to send warship to South China Sea in move likely to irk Beijing

    China should lob some Globaltimes ICBM to London to deal with the situation.
  18. L

    Dear India; What about Nagaland?

    Can your u add UP to that list too :confused:
  19. L

    Dear India; What about Nagaland?

    She's talking about Nagaland and the visuals are from Manipur. One should do some homework before doing propaganda.
  20. L

    Don't forget 1971, Venkaiah Naidu warns Pakistan.

    1) AIML was founded in Dhaka which was headquartered at Lucknow and it rose as a result of a movement begun at Aligarh Muslim University. Agha Khan rightly said that 'Pakistan was born in the Muslim university of Aligarh'. Biggest mobilisation for Pakistan movement was from UP to Bengal. 2) Had...
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