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  1. B

    A question to the mods...

    6 failed state is listed in banned topics...the world is an open place...do u go on the streets n shout I HATE MY NEIGHBOUR BECAUSE... true about agree disagree n move on part...but anything in excess is disgusting secularity of India n religious topics are two different things... all my...
  2. B

    A question to the mods...

    true...but how many times??.... n where??...on every damn thread thats got nothing to do with religion??
  3. B

    ICA rules in Pakistan’s favour over Kishanganga Dam

    thats wat india keeps doing :)
  4. B

    A question to the mods...

    thats not my point....my point is that it shouldnt be questioned at all
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    A question to the mods...

    i am really sorry if m breaking any rules or any stuff like that... i wanted to post in the BANNED TOPICS thread but unfortunately it was closed... wanted to suggest a topic for being banned...but before that wanted a slightly open discussion on it the question is... Why is India's...
  6. B

    India looking to reverse ban on Pakistani TV channels

    forget him mate...he doesnt have data on anything....he SPAMS on every other thread with no info brainwashed bigot ICEWOLF
  7. B

    India looking to reverse ban on Pakistani TV channels

    plus india is a responsible nation... wat about drones attacking pakistan everyday??...i dont see pakistan replying...how come??
  8. B

    India looking to reverse ban on Pakistani TV channels

    its not the truth that hurts....u bullshitting hurts the most....yes indian media is against pakistan coz of state sponsored television.... dogs like zaid hamid dont bark in indian media about how to destroy pakistan...openly with lot of stupidity...man y u so brainwashed??...inspired by...
  9. B

    Army’s demand for attack choppers triggers fresh turf war with IAF

    i dunno whom to side with both are correct n justified... n its bullshit that they are divided...throw a stone at india n u ll get a punch back by all forces...together
  10. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    they are put behind bars for life terms....ur definitely not born n brought up in canada...
  11. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    good job....as i said...no1 is a saint...applies to indians too (PS i dont know wat alok pulled up) but next time pls research a lil b4 replying...humble request
  12. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    even m leaving....i bet hardly any1 remembers the original topic anymore...
  13. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    true....but does that mean hinduism teaches that??.... man there are so many misconceptions about islam n hinduism....still people say m better than u....funny world we live in
  14. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    noway dude...back off...dont wanna injure my brains n logical thinking power.. :)
  15. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    nope...nowadays there are strict laws...nothing like that...the constitution of india governs everything...u will find many cases about such rapes n murders...they are put behind bars... although a lot more has to be done i dint understand the second half of ur sentence...pls rephrase
  16. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    shud i laugh or cry at ur history knowledge??...
  17. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    i was talking about those stupid islamists who used to do such stuff who were being glorified by u a few posts back... ur correction was correct...chill
  18. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    those are the motherfu***** who make people like u believe that hinduism teaches all this...just like today most of the world has the perception that islam teaches terrorism
  19. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    well i personally dont make fun...its past n its past...no1 is a saint...but when people like u come with full display of stupidity...n i have spare time... ahem ahem....understand the rest urself
  20. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    quite possible...caste system dunno came from where...m big ur small stuff is not there in hinduism... every one is equally divided with duties and responsibilities...which are called castes..but over the years "M GOOD N UR BULLSHIT" stuff evolved...
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