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  1. l'ingénieur

    Amazing Cockpit View Of Russian Aerobatic Team

    i wish my eyesight was 100% so i could fly those one day too bad
  2. l'ingénieur

    Nuclear strike With Rafale

    you obviously don't understand sarcasm you should quit using the internet
  3. l'ingénieur

    What color is your soul?

    wow very nice man
  4. l'ingénieur

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    no no no please you guys will get too far ahead of us
  5. l'ingénieur

    Nuclear strike With Rafale

    doesn't matter we still here living in the past huh? good luck trying to do that again now
  6. l'ingénieur

    What color is your soul?

    where did you study and whats Higher education Commission PERN project and whats noc
  7. l'ingénieur

    Is it too late to save Maldives from climate change and Islamic extremism?

    lol oh man, ill have to admit i lauged like anyone gives a crap about what you have to say
  8. l'ingénieur

    What color is your soul?

    r u really an engineer
  9. l'ingénieur

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    r u guys like...chinese indians?
  10. l'ingénieur

    Nuclear strike With Rafale

    i guess i hurt ur feelings
  11. l'ingénieur

    Shut Down to rebuild Pakistan !

    i used to support imran khan now i dont support anyone
  12. l'ingénieur

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    pakistan needs a modi
  13. l'ingénieur

    The rise and rise of Kaptaan!

    i used to support imran khan now i dont support anyone
  14. l'ingénieur

    UAE-Pakistan trade could surge by Dh7bn: Official

    we don't need uae, if we have FULLY FUNCTIONING gwadar port we can improve our trades with almost the whole world. uae will crumble if gwadar reaches its full potential
  15. l'ingénieur

    China and Pakistan setting up an economic corridor. Should India be worried?

    its hilarious how obsessed indians are with pakistan and pakistan really doesn't give two-shits about them
  16. l'ingénieur

    China Economy Forum

    china needs to build highspeed cargo trains going directly from gwadar to china, no stops in between, if they want to maximize the use of gwadar port
  17. l'ingénieur

    Nuclear strike With Rafale

    pakistan air force pilots are the best in the world no country can compete feel free to reply if i hurt ur feelings
  18. l'ingénieur

    Yes, there was rigging against PML-N also. After PTI, PPP also found rigging election

    the only person who knows what their doing is raheel shareef #raheelshareefforprimeminister
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