The civilians in the dombass area are Russian civilians. It’s Ukrainian mistreatment of these civilians as an. Direct cause of Russian invasion. I’m not saying that the invasion was the morally right decision. But there are a few major reasons and the how Ukraine treat Russian civilians in...
In 2009, India planned to send Indians to the moon by 2020. So India is now ahead of everyone in sending people back to the moon. I wonder where are the bragging threads on that achievement.
Thanks for your decision to serve. Unfortunately, you served the interests of the elite and the MIC instead of Americans. The US military indoctrinate the troops by creating the enemy based on orders from the deep state. And fight wars that benefit them but hurt the interest of the average...
This gambit is like Lindsey Graham. He is good at coming up reason for more war to satisfy his military industrial complex masters but would never step up to the front line himself. These people are only good at sending others to die. As the saying goes. The success of the war is measure by how...
They can use rupee to pay for tech support. But unfortunately, the tech support only speak in heavily accented English that Russians has no prayer to understand.
The Russian economy is growing. Ruble is strengthening. Sanctions had failed.
Russia is fighting for ethnic Russians persecuted in Ukraine.and Ukraine need to follow the Minsk accord. Stop the fighting andm negotiating with Rus Zia.
The war in Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for the establishment. The victims are the Ukraine soldiers die need,essay. It’s time to stop all funding for Ukraine and stop this senseless war.
The US should also keep its words with Russia about not expend NATO beyond Germany. Not too late to...
There is no way Ukraine will win this war. It’s not making any progress against the first line of defense in the only section it has reach it. The counter offensive is over. Go watch Tucker Carlson interviewed Victor Orban 3 weeks ago and they both agree that Ukraine will never win.
India is now a terrorist state and the US should label India as such. What would US do if it’s Iran that did this in a US Allie country? Modi should be label as a terrorist and sanctioned.
The number one Indian commodity is its people. This plan allow Middle East countries to participate in export of Indian labors to Europe. I see no other use with this plan.
There is genocide in India or in Xinjiang China. I could have swear I read all about the “genocide” in China. But when real genocide happens in India, not a word.