I have the right by expressing my point of view freely . . as it is right for you . . I think i showed the facts that supports my point of view . . But you have attacked the Arab nation in general . . The issue is not about love and hate . . The issue is that we in the Arab countries we are...
dear Ganga
Arab countries do not intervene in Iran . . at the same time . . Iran gives itself the right to intervene in the Arab States . . See what is happening in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen . . all the problems in these countries caused by Iranian interference . . Knowing that . . if Arab...
I have not violated any laws of the forum on the contrary of you . . You used the words should not be used . . and attacked the Arabs with silly empty words . . and When you no longer have an argument or logic . . you directed your to me personally
Here's who won the war from a trusted military source
Although Iraq won the war militarily, and possessed a significant military advantage over Iran in 1989
the source : Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)
Aspahbod . . Before offering the Iranians themselves as an example to rest Muslims . . they should be first do many things to improve themselves . . Because only idiots are those who will accept iranian Regime "as it is know" as an example.
when irani Regime stop involving in iraq, lebanon...
ok great Cyrus . . here is my answer to you by Sight & Sound . .
your statement about arabs support on islamic issues are big joke and no need to answer.
YouTube - ‫???????? ???? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ????????‬‎
See how the graves of Arab martyrs In...
Assalamu Alykum , dear brother
I respect and appreciate Persian civilization and i have known some Iranians in some forums . . most of thim do not agree with the Iranian Gov. policy
I can't understand why the Iranian regime insists on punishing 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims on event that happened...
Do you have something real and realistic to talk about . . Because I do not see at all what you said anything accept attacks on the Arabs . . and i thank you for that becauseThis proves the point of view that Persians feel hatred towards the Arabs . . Because the Arabs are the ones who...
Do not be so sure, my brother . . see the timeline history of the major powers throughout history . . The British Empire which the sun never sets . . the Russian Empire which was consisting of hundreds of ethnic groups . . The Ottoman Empire which extended from the Balkans to North Africa . ...