no sir PAK needs a dedicated NAVEL role AC rite now j 11 is considered but a highly modified one and second AC have AFIK canted tails so mabe its this or not cuz there r so many projects of similar capacitys in china
guys first remember that pak is not a secular state. i am an actor too and have met her in person and can say she is a strong and intelligent lady but in our entertainment community consumption of alchoal is nothing new but that does not mean that we leagelise alchoal because a little few drink...
than INDIA ll go like"DUDE! what the F@$K!" (on diplomatic level)
and PAKISTAN ll be like"Sorry dude my bad sh!t happens"
than every thing ll be fine and every one ll go back to smoking weed :)
guys can some one tell me the exact science and machinsm behind coaxal rotors how opposit spin on same boom is achieved?
Kamov Ka-50 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a link for example