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  1. B

    The Vietnam Solution

    Tactical Nukes Not in support of such, but that would have been dependent upon time, and certainly, a decision to have used, would have altered the time (and other) dynamics, and likely lessened the support for the USSR to provide, likely lessened that they would have provided in any case...
  2. B

    India Inc hits back, says Obama can’t dictate Indian govt

    Just as they are starting to grow, Walmart, large group, many suppliers, opportunities for lots of small companies to get contracts outside of the typical multi-leveled, rent seeking, supply chains, and for entrepreneurship to grow more broadly to small manufacturers. A politically motivated...
  3. B

    The Vietnam Solution

    NiceGuy Nato Wasn't existent in 1945 (further, associated countries weren't in the position to support the misguided notions of your false histories) Further, US was the global force behind decolonization after WWII, as it had been previous to it (much to the consternation of Continental...
  4. B

    US - China Cold war begins, Will India join?

    This discussion is interesting, and any "War" will be lukewarm, and more related to competition over resources, trade and influence toward such. A Number of Points: 1. Weakness of Global Economy 2. Need for China to Alter its development model (far too dependent upon the demand of others...
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