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  1. C

    Pakistani student invited to world economic forum

    hehehe it's not news , many students get invited from many countries by different organizations in world.
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    Pakistani school sweeps India Today debates

    how many times they get defeated before ?
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    critical situation :P

    what's stream ? it's not necessary to join army , there are many other fields
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    Shekhar Kapur to make film on Armenian genocide?

    ohhhhhhh ! title of thread show your level , we should treat you lower than this. read the title of thread.... and where are biased Islamic mods ?
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    Shekhar Kapur to make film on Armenian genocide?

    yaar these are F*king People of country where since inception Army Power is supreme , most of them born in dictatorship law , they don't know what is democracy, every thing in pak is handled by army and ISI , they think same happens in India , they don't know that everyone has it's own...
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    Narendra Modi free to apply for visa: US

    you must be talibani paksiatni chinese
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    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    No one wants to visit country of non-Muslim eaters .
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    Radical Hindu groups object to Pakistan's India tour

    I remember some one was supporting Hafiz saieed yesterday , why shouldn't oppose to terrorist supporters ?. whose talking the people of country in which slaughtering non-Muslims is National Sport for name of :lol:"Peaceful":lol: Islam.
  9. C

    Indian village bans girls from using cell phones

    Lol it's just ban on cellphone which very less as compare to your country panchyat , and it's illegal , government will take action against it or this ban is just crap doubt how many will follow it . Mp is not god he will face problems too. First save your girls from getting shot for...
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    China invites India’s ‘missile man’ Kalam to teach at Peking varsity

    there are many Indians in such universities
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    Are Iranians even Persians?

    no , Religion and culture are homogeneous part of each other. you can't call invaders as part of "destroyed" ancient culture .
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    Are Iranians even Persians?

    I don't think so , Persians is about Religion and culture , Parasi are the real Persians. Irani are Muslims.
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    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    stupid read the content of letter , you know English na ?
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    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    you know he didn't read letter , just posted it :lol:
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    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    ONE MORE and LAST TIME Bill Maher Pakistan "They're Such..." - YouTube
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    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    so Tipu sultan of South of 17th century was real father of Pakistan :rofl: Bill Maher Pakistan "They're Such..." - YouTube
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    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    I told you na.... Bill Maher Pakistan "They're Such..." - YouTube I told you na.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKjQPZ3Ho_E
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    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    There was no such thing Aryan , it's meaning is noble which anti-Islamic word , Vedic culture is gangentic not indic all vedas(which are beyond Islamic brains) itself contains highest place for ganga river.
  19. C

    Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

    hmmmm.... , lot of things get ban in your country girls get shot for attending school :lol: But world no going to stop speaking about Pakistani Muslims Aryans(Noble(terrorists):lol: ) :lol:
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