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  1. Q

    Elon Musk replies to a Hu Xijin snide remark towards him with a Confucius internet meme that implies an obscene action

    Lol here you go with an b.s. reply as if you know more about CONFUSIUS (judging from how spelled his name, don't think you know Jack squat) than us Chinese. Take it easy and relax American, you folks are winning anyways no need to press and report every gotcha moments you think you people have...
  2. Q

    F-35s Struggle To Fly! Frustrated South Korea Says Its US-Origin Stealth Fighters Marred By Defects

    What's your qualifications to call someone that doesn't praise anything American as "sofa soldiers." Are you some kind of veteran wunderkind or something @gambit
  3. Q

    Boeing’s China orders ‘likely to be affected’ with home-grown C919 passenger jet set for certification, C919 likely to displace Airbus and Boeing sale

    Here comes the all-knowing-negative Nancy when it comes to anything China and Chinese. The arrogance you exude from reading your America rules is frankly nauseating and frankly without irony nor hint of some humility of how Asians not just Chinese have contributed vastly to the success of America.
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    China’s 3rd Type 075 LHD Anhui 安徽 Commissioned With PLAN

    Talk is cheap. You're the one getting emotional like you're married to a Russian or something. Pipe down keyboard commando.
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    China’s 3rd Type 075 LHD Anhui 安徽 Commissioned With PLAN

    Lol what's stopping you tough guy?
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    India Ups Firepower Along Borders with China with Modern Artillery Guns, Rocket Systems for Army

    This comment is vapid and rather pedestrian take that's simply typed to provoke an emotional response, which means you're just trolling.
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    CHINA VS USA in Africa

    Lol brave man over here keeps barking mad like a darn chihuahua. Dude, put this to your thick skull, China will not attack or use force, especially to expense, expend the lives of our people from some quixotic desire to prove Chinese bravery (to some angry keyboard warriors on the internet like...
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    China’s 3rd Type 075 LHD Anhui 安徽 Commissioned With PLAN

    Lol who the heck told Russia to employ the impotent military strategy that's clearly is failing them to achieve the desired military objective they set from the beginning of this so-called military conflict? And who the f are you to be telling us Chinese to wage war or get involved intimately...
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