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  1. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh ahead of 40 countries in IMF’s IDI index

    I just love how all these Indian trolls write long paragraphs. I just love the burn. I'm just gonna say one thing. JOY BANGLA Also @Nilgiri is a vicious human. I wonder what happened in his childhood that he is so negative about everything in this subforum
  2. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh estimates 7.65 percent economic growth for this fiscal year, fastest on record

    BNP is useless, there will be minimal strikes this season (I hope)
  3. BitHeroBD

    Samsung phones to be assembled in Bangladesh

    I have someone I know working there too and from what I know, they have recruited a lot of people in recent times
  4. BitHeroBD

    Samsung phones to be assembled in Bangladesh

    Samsung will be assembling its smartphones in Bangladesh, the first batch of which is expected to come out in the market before Eid-ul-Fitr in June. Commercial assembling work of 4G-enabled handsets will begin from May 2, RuhulAlam Al-Mahmud chairman of Fairbook, the local franchising company...
  5. BitHeroBD

    Betrayal of Bengali people again in Pakistan !

    Hahahahahahah, this must be the most precious case of projection I have ever seen. Pakistani calling Bangladesh a terrorist country :lol::lol::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
  6. BitHeroBD

    South Korea ready to help Bangladesh build a model city

    No it's not lol. Sylhet is very earthquake prone and just beside the Indian border
  7. BitHeroBD

    Like in India, the Chinese are taking over Bangladesh’s phone market, too

    Walton is making phones in Bangladesh now http://www.thedailystar.net/bytes/second-made-walton-smartphone-in-bangladesh-hits-the-market-1523344
  8. BitHeroBD

    Jute as next economic growth driver

    Is jute seriously making a comeback or are these just dreams ??
  9. BitHeroBD

    From famine to food basket: how Bangladesh became a model for reducing hunger

    I've always maintained that it is better to pull half of the population out of poverty that having a boner inducing military. Bengalis are living better than they lives 20 years ago. This gives me more joy than having squadrons full of fighter jets. Of course you need them too but there has to...
  10. BitHeroBD

    Bangladesh’s ‘Digital Island’ Brings Future to Nation’s Poorest.

    This is FANTASTIC. As @Bilal9 has said it is easy to whinge about internet speeds when you are living a posh apartment but the progress I've seen in internet sector has been remarkable. I applaud AL for staying true to their Digital Revolution agenda. It has been more successful than I ever...
  11. BitHeroBD

    Myanmar Army Flees From Border After BGB Increases Force

    Historically, armies who commit genocide on its own people do not fare good against a conventional army that has full support of it's people.
  12. BitHeroBD

    Myanmar Army Flees From Border After BGB Increases Force

    Cowards fled via car after BGB (Not bangladesh army) increased rounds around the border. Love this circus by Myanmar Comedy Forces
  13. BitHeroBD

    Indonesia looks to win exports in Bangladesh

    Need Dhaka-Bali flight :enjoy:
  14. BitHeroBD

    Anti-Bangladesh and anti-Muslim mindset may increase

    You mean Indian citizens ?
  15. BitHeroBD

    Dhaka Stock Exchange picks China's bid for stake over India's

    Is it finalized already or more shenanigans to continue ? I hope we go with Chinese.
  16. BitHeroBD

    ‘Illegal immigration from Bangladesh planned by Pakistan with support from China’

    পাগলা কুত্তা বিপিন
  17. BitHeroBD

    Sheikh Hasina: An Emerging Dictator

    LOL I really like this fake concern from Pakistanis. Puh-leeee-ze
  18. BitHeroBD

    UN accuses Burma of receiving ballistic missile systems from N Korea

    This is the difference between war monger Pakistan and Bangladesh. While you spent money on military and stroked you nationalistic ego, we pulled half of our population out of poverty. There is nothing we can achieve from a war. Please keep fighting like cavemen, we have no interest. now if you...
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